
Healing with Color Therapy

By now, you’ve probably heard of many different holistic remedies and healing modalities within the spiritual and wellness communities. However, one thing that doesn’t get talked about enough is the benefit that color has on a person’s overall well-being. Color therapy has been around for ages. In fact, it can be traced as far back to the Mayan culture, incorporated into ancient Egyptian healing, and is even used in Traditional Chinese Medicine through associating color with different functions of the body.

Whether you notice it or not, you’re taking in the energy of color every day. We are constantly absorbing color from the vibrational wavelengths that each individual frequency gives off. Just observing the colors around you, as you take in the light reflected into your eyes, can be healing in itself.

Your Favorite Color

A common question you might ask someone that you are getting to know is, “What is your favorite color?” Perhaps when you reflect back on your childhood, you realize you had one color you’ve loved your whole life; or in other cases, maybe your favorite color changed quite often.The reason you would find yourself drawn to one color over another at times is because it is a good indication of the color you need in that moment. It is important to note though that an excess of gravitation towards a certain color can be a result of an avoidance of others. That is why it is just as important to pay attention to the colors you feel resistant to. Ultimately, you want to strive for balance.

Color Therapy and Its Benefits

So now you may be asking yourself, “How does color therapy work and how have I not noticed its effects before?” You may have…but perhaps only subconsciously. I find that color therapy works best when done with intention. That is why it is most commonly used among Reiki Practitioners, Acupuncturists, and during meditation or breathwork exercises. Essentially, color is a method of energy healing because, well, color is energy.

There are many benefits to working with color. It helps with overall well-being; physically, mentally and emotionally. Physically, it can reduce swelling or inflammation, and alleviate pain or chronic illness. Some even say it’s a great anti-aging treatment. The mental and emotional healing works more on a subconscious level, which can be reflected in your relationship with yourself and others.

That being said, color therapy restores balance to the body, especially through the chakras. Think of how each chakra has a corresponding color. As children, we often associated all these colors with the image of a rainbow, or when singing songs about our friend Roy G. Biv. You probably learned in high school that white light is comprised of all these colors, and that they can be split into different wavelengths when refracted through a prism; picture the Pink Floyd logo for example.

The concept of white light containing all color frequencies makes the sun a natural and accessible resource for energy healing. Consider how much happier and energized you typically feel in the summer months versus the winter months when the sun is not out for as long. While basking in the sun may feel nice at times, there are other, more intentional ways to incorporate color healing into your life.

Ways to Use Color Therapy and Healing in Your Daily Routine

  • An easy and free option is through visualization and meditation. You can integrate a specific color into your meditation practice in whatever way you intuitively feel guided to do.
  • A common use of color therapy is seen today through infrared saunas, or red light therapy, and chromotherapy. These methods involve applying colored light directly to the body.
  • Absorb colors through the clothes you wear or the elements that you use when taking a bath. This could vary from bath bombs, essential oils, or even solarized water.
  • Release energy into your auric field by lighting colored candles and setting intentions with them.
  • Apply crystals to your healing, whether through reiki, during meditation, or just simply wearing them as jewelry.

Choosing the Right Colors

I find it best to work with whatever color I feel called to or whatever chakra I am focused on balancing. Keep in mind, using the associated color of each chakra can help balance or strengthen it, but when working with an overactive chakra, you may want to consider using its complementary color.

Chakra Color Associations
  • Root = Red
  • Sacral = Orange
  • Solar Plexus = Yellow
  • Heart = Green
  • Throat = Light Blue
  • Third Eye = Royal Blue
  • Crown = Violet

Whatever methods you choose to use, it is most important to take note of your relationship with each color, as I mentioned earlier. Ask yourself which colors you feel drawn to and which ones you could use more of. Then pay attention to how you feel and notice any shifts within yourself after incorporating them into your life.

Creating in the Time of Corona

On the inside looking out.
An undefined space yet to be discovered.
The clock on the wall ticks and the window is just a window.
On the outside searching within.
A defined square feet of space.
Time is defined.
Before and after.
Past and Future.
Then and eventually.
The world beyond the window has changed.
Peering through to the outside.
How to redefine?
The window is no longer a window.
The clock on the wall has stopped ticking.

My name is Julee Mahon and I am a dance artist. Yes, I spell my name with two e’s and no i’s, which is pretty much the perfect amount of drama and efficiency I tend to surround myself with. I took my first dance class at the age of two and a half and from then on have always described myself as a dancer.

Julee the dancer, that’s me.

As a teen I was at the dance studio 5 nights a week training and getting ready for competitions. I was then accepted into a dance performing arts program in my hometown for my final two years in high school. In fall of 2009 I moved to Philadelphia to start off my college career as a BFA Dance major at Temple University. Over my four years at Temple I met wonderful dancers, and had many performance opportunities all over the city, so come graduation I decided to stay and immerse myself into the small yet fierce arts and dance community of Philadelphia.

Now it is 2021 and I am still here. But where are the arts?

As a creative, 2020 looked very different than the one I had imagined. 2019 was full of energy and inspiration, ideas and performances. New opportunities were awaiting for 2020.

As I look back on 2020 creatively speaking it was bleak. Bleak in terms of motivation and inspiration, energy, and exploration. I found myself asking the questions:

How do I create when I am not inspired?
How do I create when I am not motivated?
How do I create when I have no energy?
Who do I create for?
Where do I find my audience?
Who is my audience?

And finally the big one; How do I create?

I felt like I lost a sense of myself. That part of me that was curious and looks to discover and move. When I dance, I have this feeling of freedom but it went away when I stopped creating. Some days I moved because I felt I had to. Other days I moved because I needed to. But most days I moved from my bedroom to the kitchen and vice versa. In 2020, I forgot what it was like to move as an artist. I felt human again, like superman without his strength. I felt I lost the part of myself that made me a dancer and an artist.

At first it was fatigue. Then it was a failure. And finally fear, that kept me from dancing.

The fatigue came when I lost sense of time. My full-time job had no start or end time. I would work until I fell asleep and I would wake up and get right back to work. The feeling of failure came when I chose to not take a virtual dance class because I couldn’t bear to stare at a screen any longer. I took one class from a teacher I admired, but staring at the screen and moving made me nauseous. It was as if my body was rejecting dance. What previously brought me immense joy was now making me sick. In order to keep my body safe I said ‘no’ to dance. That was the first time I have ever done that. I have always chosen dance. I chose dance over going to school football games. I chose dance over prom. I chose dance over boyfriends. It was always there for me, until it wasn’t.

Then came the fear. I couldn’t fail at something I didn’t even try for, right? Would I even remember how to move? That was my biggest fear.

Through journaling and support from friends, I have been able to work through my fear and my unrealistic expectations of what I think dance means to me. Now that it has reached 2021 and we are almost one year into the Corona Virus pandemic, I am looking into the new year with some clarity.

It is okay to feel fatigued, everyone does. You are not alone. It is okay to give yourself what your body needs. Failure is a myth you tell yourself out of fear. My mind was making up excuses for me to not even put in any effort. Instead of just saying NO and give myself time to rest, I said NO and then burdened myself with the guilt of it.

I needed to let go of my expectations and not be so hard on myself. I was bullying myself and didn’t even realize it. When I came to this realization I felt such a relief. I was able to think clearer and felt more confident in continuing my creative process and working my way back to Julee the dancer.

My solutions:

Buying a journal

This journal is only for dance. I like knowing that, other than my body, this journal is also a tool. A sacred tool that will hold any idea or piece of inspiration that will keep my creativity alive. Writing everything down will make it real and will get it all out of my head. This book has one rule, and that rule is there is no judgment. No matter the idea, write it down. Just write anything and everything!

Moving is moving

I was upset with myself for not dancing but at the same time shaming myself for engaging in other forms of movement. I started congratulating myself for all the movement I did. Running: you go girl! Zumba: yassss! Yoga: you stretched today! I started to teach creative movement to kids, so I could share my love of dance with the next generation! Celebrate all movements no matter how big or small. Even though it may not be a modern dance class I was still moving my body!

Prioritize dance

It is no secret I love to dance, so why not prioritize it in my life. Make time to take a class. With the online options, give yourself time to get used to it and do what you can. You can go at your own pace in your home, that is judgement free! Work your way up to masking up and taking class in person, if your community offers that. But know there is no reason to rush your own process.

getting creative

Right now with technology at our fingertips nothing is off limits. Now is the time to rewrite all the rules and expand your mind to think even farther out of the box. Art has no limit. No one and everyone is your audience. Putting work on social media platforms expands your reach and brings art to your community and beyond!

2020 has been a year like no other. I have learned a great deal about myself and about my art. I can honestly say I look forward to what the rest of 2021 will bring. I know I am not alone, I deserve to be kind to myself, and dance will always be there no matter what.

Cheers to more dancing and creating.