
How to Anoint Your Tarot Deck

Video Transcript:

Learn how to anoint your tarot deck!

You’ll want to anoint your decks to create a stronger connection with them. This is not something that I’ve always done in my practice, but my guides encouraged it recently and it has completely changed the game within my divination and tarot practice.

My friend has tried this ritual and it has changed how she works and connects with her decks as well. In her words, one deck of hers in particular was kind of a bitch to her (energetically) before she anointed it, and after she anointed it, it completely changed the trajectory of how she worked with that particular deck. It changed the personality, it changed the connection, it changed the answers in a way that felt resonative to her.

Start your ritual with cleansing your deck—removing any unwanted energies. For this example, I am using the Pagan Otherworlds tarot deck. I am smoke cleansing with white copal on a charcoal disk.

You’ll need an oil of your choosing.

Things to Consider for Your Anointing Oil

  • Should be personal to you

  • Could be a perfume

  • You can buy it at a store

  • Red Tiger Balm*

If you choose to make your own oil, use an oil base of your choice, and mix with whatever herbs you want! You can use herbs that are magically associated with divination, herbs you just like in general, or even herbs associated with your spirit team or guide/deity of your choosing. Here is a recipe to make your own divination oil.

The term or action of anointing means:

To smear, rub, or apply a substance, like oil, in a ritual for divine purposes and/or connection. It’s an act to declare that this item is sacred and connected to the person using it and/or the divine.

Anoint your deck to connect it to yourself, so you can receive better, easier answers that you can understand and have a deeper connection with the deck.

How to Anoint Your Tarot Deck

  1. Cleanse your tarot deck; you can use smoke, sound, or any other cleansing modality of your choosing

  2. Apply a drop of your anointing oil to the palm of your hands, rubbing between your palms

  3. Rub all four edges of your deck into your palms, where the oil is located

  4. Take a deep breath to ground you energy and center yourself

  5. Recite your anointing ritual script (see below)

Script for Anointing Your Tarot Deck

“I anoint this tarot deck with this oil that is personal to me. Tarot deck, I ask that when I work you, you connect to my energy, the energy of my guides, and the Divine. May the answers you provide be clear and easy to understand. May the cards pull quickly and resonate quickly to the questions presented. I thank you for your service. You are now connected to my energy through this sacred anointing ritual.”

That’s it! Your deck is now anointed!

If you try this anointing ritual, please let me know if you notice a difference before and after your ritual—I’d love to hear! And let me know what oil you use, what herb blends you use!


*Red Tiger Balm is usually used for sore muscles and can be found at your local drugstore. The main active ingredient helps connect with divine energies/high consciousness.

Make Your Own Divination Oil

Are you looking to enhance your connection to yourself and spirit while doing divination activities? Make your own divination oil to use while divining! You can add a drop or two of this divination oil to your hands and third eye before dropping into meditation or using your tarot deck, pendulum, or other divination device.

This divination oil recipe was made with ingredients that have properties to help you connect to your inner wisdom, your higher self, and your psychic abilities. You can use whatever ratio you want, really (witchcraft can be flexible in that way), but it doesn’t require a large amount of dry ingredients—depending on how large your jar is, of course. I typically recommend selecting the jar you want to contain the oil in first. Here are some options: 2mL amber glass vials, 10mL amber glass bottles.

Clear Divining Oil Recipe

  • Organic jojoba oil

  • Almond, flour or 1 crushed almond

  • Bay leaf, dried

  • Dandelion, dried

  • Hibiscus, dried

  • Lilac, dried

  • 1–2 drops of jasmine essential oil (optional)

  1. Start with cleansing all your ingredients in your preferred method. Example: I like to cleanse my dry ingredients, oil, and jar/container in incense smoke.

  2. Note that your herb to oil ratio should be about 1:4. Put another way, your jar should be about 25% filled with the herb ingredients and then filled to the top with oil.

  3. Combine your dry ingredients with a mortar and pestle, while concentrating on activating the ingredients with the powers they naturally hold. I typically will speak aloud why I am adding each individual ingredient (see below). For example, I’ll say aloud, “Almond, I add you to this divination oil to connect me to and increase my own wisdom.” And continue in the same manner with the rest of the ingredients.

  4. Add the dry ingredients to the jar, until it’s about 25% full.

  5. If you want the oil to hold a fragrance, you can add 1–2 drops of jasmine essential oil to your mix (note: look for essential oil, not fragrance oil).

  6. Fill your jar to the top with jojoba oil, being careful to not overfill if you need to leave room for a dropper.

  7. Let the oil sit for 3 days in a dark space so the herbs can steep before using.

Why You Want to Use These Ingredients for a Divination Oil

I’ve suggested these ingredients for a divination oil specifically for their magickal properties.

Almond = wisdom

Bay leaf = psychic abilities, divination, and wisdom

Dandelion = psychic abilities, intuition, spiritual and emotional cleanser

Hibiscus – divination

Lilac = psychic abilities

Jasmine = divination and prophecy


Now that you’ve made your Clear Divining Oil, you can Anoint Your Tarot Deck—an additional practice to get clearer answers while divining!