
Unwinding the Mother Wound

My mother and I have a turbulent relationship—but it wasn’t always this way. I remember us being super close, like inseparable best friends. Until the high school years happened—you know, the years of rebellion, self-exploration and experimenting with things that high school kids experiment with. The impact to this seemingly typical behavior was actually the devolution of the relationship I had with my mother up until this point or, rather, the devolution of the grip my mother truly had on my life.

I say this now as someone who has spent a number of years assessing the relationship with my mother. More directly after I became a mom. I hadn’t realized how much of my life and my decisions revolved around her approval or permission. This is what has become known as shadow work. Simply, looking at life through memories like a photo album, trying to figure out what the heck happened, how we got here and what I can do now.

Part of uncovering the mother wound is really taking a hard look at your past as objectively as you can. Whatever comes up, have a safe space to share these realizations, whether that be a friend, significant other, out loud to yourself, or writing in a journal. This practice provides additional perspective and insight. I always write things down because I can go back and reference it later if I remember something that is relatable to see if I can find the pattern.

Once you start finding patterns and trends in behaviors, you can start to reprogram those patterns and behaviors. Often, these can be done by affirmations, opposite behavior changes, a ton of discipline, and consistency. It’s hard work trying to deprogram and reprogram yourself from something you’ve been used to for so long. Consistent small actions like affirmations (written or verbal) go a long way, in my opinion. Give yourself grace during this process because it can be pretty intense at times depending on your current state of being.

What Healing a Mother Wound Can Look Like

I’ll give an example regarding weight. My grandmother and mother both have an unhealthy relationship with food and weight. They are both incredibly skinny and suffer health problems as a result. It was always a topic of discussion because I was never considered skinny, even after I had my daughter. So when I reached the heaviest point in my life post-pregnancy and breastfeeding, I had to do something. I had to figure out why a change of diet and exercise wasn’t working. I had heard about affirmations before but never tried it but I decided to try it. It felt weird at first because these were unknown words I had spoken to myself. I started telling myself in the mirror that I loved myself and that I was beautiful. The more I said it out loud and wrote it, the more I felt it and the more I could see it. I changed that programming. I gave myself what I didn’t have.

I bring up this particular example because part of uncovering the mother wound is also uncovering your grandmother’s wounds—it’s generational. It’s important because the trifecta is connected. When our grandmother is carrying our mother, her womb and ovaries are being formed. The very ones that would ultimately make up us. We are all connected by the foods we ate and stress we endured during that lifetime and on forward until conception from the mother with you. It is all connected and we are all connected.

I inherited negative self talk from the experiences my mother inherited from her mother. Please know, I don’t hold any of this against them because it wasn’t their fault. A lot of abuse, assault and poverty occurred in their lifetimes. They lived in a predominantly male run, backwoods area in the Appalachian mountains during the 1940s and 1980s. It was a whole different vibe back then. I mention this because it is very much a part of recognizing patterns that we have or we have adopted by proxy. A book that does a fantastic job highlighting the wounds we carry from our parents is It Didn’t Start with You: How Inherited Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle by Mark Wolynn. I highly suggest this book if you’re looking for a place to start.

With help from health coaches, therapists, social media, books, meditation, daily practices, you too can determine what’s stopping you from living the way that feels natural to you. You will be able to release those beliefs you have or think you have about yourself so you can start living life free from the hold others have placed on you. When you change, your whole family line benefits. You can be the cycle breaker for your whole family.

How to Recognize Karma in Your Life and Release It

Many believe Karma is a form of punishment that occurs when doing something wrong, but the truth is, Karma is neither good nor bad. In fact, the term means deed and work. It’s the collection of all our actions in this life and all previous states of existence that define our future realities. No pluses or minuses, just sums. Each contribution made to one’s life is intertwined to cultivate lessons that have yet to be learned. As humans, we are attached to illusions (labels, if you will) about our perception of existence, the world around us, and the realities we create within the constructs of our minds. These attachments separate us from divine truth and directly result in what we would label as unfortunate events. The universe would call them lessons; remember, we place the word “negative” on difficult things; this does not mean these things are bad; it’s all about perception. How we choose to confront these lessons is up to us.

The Laws of Karma want us to face our attachments to negative behaviors, toxic relationships, scarcity, and internal conflicts. When we heal these attachments, we free ourselves from painful delusions that would otherwise slow down the progression and evolution of our soul. Suppose you decide willingly to un-attach from what you know to be unhealthy. In that case, you will find yourself evolving as your soul becomes free of the burdens and misconceptions you’ve held so tightly to. Attachment to illusions will always produce pain; detachment from delusions will always create peace.

How to Recognize Karma in Your Life

Karma can show up in the form of a partner, parent, or job. It can look like victimization, abuse, and power; gratitude, integrity, and acceptance. But the real way to know when something is Karmic is if it’s challenging. Now I’m not talking about some small thing that happened to you one time. I’m talking about hurdles that keep showing up for you to tackle. A consistent theme you just can’t seem to shake, and you may even ask yourself, “why does this keep happening?”. It’s all about opportunities.

Become Aware of the Patterns to Release

Do you find yourself running on a program that always pushes you to date the wrong person? What is similar in each relationship? Is it low confidence? Loneliness? Find the common factor, and you find the karmic lesson. Have you always tried to please your parents or authority figures beyond what you actually want? Do you find yourself doing things for others but not for yourself? Or maybe you found someone who is truly incredible. This could be a friend or partner. You feel like they expand you and hold traits that you admire. But maybe you sabotage your chances before getting the opportunity to be shown just how valued you are. Perhaps you stay at a job because it’s “safe.” Where does that come from? Fear of the unknown? scarcity? A lack of understanding of what you are capable of?

Karma is constant and persistent. It will keep sending messages until we hear them and take hold of the opportunity. For example, You may find that your partner is unsuitable for you, so you break up and end up finding someone who isn’t right for you but is a better fit than your last partner. This is not an improvement… This is the lesser of two evils. Do you see the test here? The universe wants to know if you value yourself enough to wait for someone better. When you take what’s easy or what you’re comfortable with, you’re telling the universe, “I’m not ready.” But don’t worry, another test will come along, and the universe will reveal this theme in other aspects of your life until you step into your authenticity.

How Do You Know If You Have Karmic Ties with Another Person?

This is a big one. One way to know if you have karmic ties is to answer this simple question. When you met these persons, did you feel immediately connected to them? Did you feel like you have known them forever? Or that you were compelled to get to know them better? Do you feel oddly comfortable with this person? This is definitely karmic. Now, this is neither good nor bad; remember, this person could end up being a train-wreck or an expander in your life. But there is a lesson here. Odds are, you have spent past lives together, and some work is to be done. Either way, if you feel magnetic to someone, Karma is calling, but watch out for snakes and learn your lesson quickly. If you see red flags, listen to them so that you can pass your test to move on to bigger and better things. You don’t want to spend 3+ years with a friend or partner or at a job with a boss who is teaching you lessons. You can learn much faster than that, trust me. Our ego or wounding often gets in the way of our self-development. This can be challenging or inspiring—neither is right or wrong, good or bad. The goal of these relationships is to grow into your authentic self so that you feel whole in who you are. If someone comes into your life and you admire them, take the time to learn what they have to teach you, oftentimes you will end up teaching you something too. Karma goes both ways when it’s connected to people. It’s never one sided.

Does Energy Healing Work?

Whether you recognize it or not, you have entered into an energetic era, helping to expand your consciousness and redefine your understanding of your soul. You are awakening to know yourself even more as a multisensory being, releasing the beliefs of having only five-senses.

In fact, you are a latticework of energies and systems, remarkably complex, exquisitely coordinated, and entirely unique. There are invisible energies that shape the way you feel, the way you think, and the way you live. Using your own energy systems, such as your meridians (your body’s energy pathways), chakras (your body’s energy centers), and aura (your body’s energy atmosphere), you can optimize your body’s natural capacities to heal itself and stay healthy. You can manage your energies to more effectively meet stress, reduce anxiety, and free yourself from ailments. In addition, you can apply what you learn for yourself to benefit family members and other loved ones.

The Path To Healing Begins With You

The first practitioner of energy medicine is you, the one that inhabits the body being cared for. Healing isn’t just for times of great pain or strife. It is something that can be done to create feelings of peace, relaxation, and well-being every single day. And, more importantly, everyone possesses the power to be their own healer.

Everyone has the ability to learn, expand, and use extra sensory perception to feel better in their body, thoughts, and spirit. Everyone can use energy to create more of the life that they are wanting—they only need to learn how to align with their higher self and tune into their energy, so that they can unlock their abilities. These tools help with every aspect of your life and there is no better time to give them to yourself. Chances are you’re already intuitive and picking up more foreign energy than you think.

When you learn how to replenish, strengthen your field, release (thoughts, events and people), be in present time, and use energy to start creating—life gets easier, more fun, and more manageable. When you learn how to heal your energy body, your aura, chakras, and other energetic components of your field, you feel better, you’re more healthy, and your mind is more at ease.

How Does Energy Healing Work?

Energy healing, or energy medicine, is based on the ancient concept that there is a vital force, an underlying flow of energy, both within the physical body and extending from it. The body’s entire energy system is referred to as the energy field, the energetic body, the biofield, or the subtle body—all interchangeable terms.

This system of energy is the template from which the physical body grows, and it guides the body’s function. I like to think of the physical body as a tree and the energy body as the deep rich earth in which the tree grows. The condition and nutrients of the soil affects the tree’s growth and health. While factors other than the soil (such as disease, overnight temperatures, or poor indirect sunlight) might impact the health of the tree, the overall reach and thickness of its roots, as well as its health and growth, relies on and has a symbiotic relationship with the soil.

The flow of energy through the energetic body can be compared to the flow of water in a creek, which dumps into a river and eventually finds its way out to the sea. If a dam is built anywhere along that river (an energy block forms), or if a huge rain dumps extra water into the river (there is an enormous influx of energy), the water will overflow to create new streams. If there is drought, or a shortage of water (energy), the smaller, shallower tributaries will dry up. Our goal in energy healing is to keep the water (the energy) flowing smoothly throughout your system by clearing the main river way and the tributaries and dredging any silt that builds up, so to speak.

What is the anatomy of the energy body? That depends on how the healer was taught. Different healers perceive, see, and describe the energy body differently, according to how they were trained.

In Western culture today, the most commonly known paradigms are from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which includes the meridians; the chakra system and aura from India; and the matrix described in several shamanic traditions.

How we are taught healing affects both how we see and hold the healing and how we perceive the energy field. This is a key point to keep in mind, as it can be quite confusing for a beginner to understand why different energy healers may have such different and varied explanations and therapies for the same energetic dynamics happening in one individual.

The energetic body is the underlying flow of energy that assists and supports the body’s normal functioning. The energetic body is in constant flow and movement. We can assist the health of the energetic body and the flow of energy by opening energy channels and allowing sluggish or stagnant energy to flow in its natural patterns. Illness, symptoms, and energy blocks all occur in an effort to bring an energy pattern back to its natural flow.

It is important to stress that healing is the restoration of the underlying flow in the body. Healing is the unwinding of energy blocks; healing is redemption of a wound that has been inflicted or an illness that has appeared; healing is the movement of the energetic body back toward wholeness, back toward its original pattern, albeit with imperfection or scars, and most often with change.

Energy healing means keeping the energy body as clear as possible and the energy flowing through it in a healthy way. A healthy body adapts—this is the body’s ability to move energy naturally in response to an influx of energy or a block that occurs due to trauma or illness. A healthy energy body will promote health, increase your vitality, and also help prevent disease and illness from developing.

If you are already healthy then using energy healing techniques to restore and maintain energetic balance will enable you to see what is occurring in your energy body, as you become more aware of the energy flow.

If you have had surgery or are sick or injured, working with your energetic body can help you speed up healing in your physical body. If you are experiencing pain or a chronic illness, you will notice that using energy healing on yourself over time will begin to move blocks in your body and begin your journey back to energy balance and adaptation.

The Energy Healing I Practice

Reiki, a renowned ancient wellness practice with roots in Japan, uses soothing vibrations, usually generated from the hands, to release emotional blockages and relax the body. This proven and honored technique is a natural way to strengthen your immune system, lower stress levels, and relieve physical and emotional pain. With expert guidance, anyone can tap into their inner healer and cultivate a Reiki practice that rejuvenates their mind, body, and spirit.

When I first found Reiki, I approached it, as well as other energetic modalities, as an open-minded skeptic. Yet, there was no denying after my first session how different I felt afterwards—relaxed on every level, my mind free of nagging thoughts, my heart light and uplifted, and my body energetically buzzing.

When I became attuned to Reiki level I, I remember wondering if I was really feeling and sensing in my hands and body, or if everyone around me in class was “making things up.” As a recovering Atheist, my trust in the universe, divine, unseen, or anything but the unscientific truth had to be restored and repaired. That took some time to heal and process, and as I began to integrate my lessons, my Reiki became stronger and my belief in helping others grew at the same intensity.
At many stages throughout my spiritual growth in most recent years, and in each modality I’ve studied (Shamanism, Reiki, Clairvoyant Training) I’ve had to re-develop trust in my intuitive abilities, since they stem from identifying my psychic senses, as well as using my imagination (or pineal gland) in different ways. I’ve also had to release blocks, resistance, and disbelief surrounding “could it really be this simple?” or “why didn’t anyone teach me this before?” These are a few common beliefs which stand in most people’s ways of believing or practicing in the “unseen.”

When you practice energy healing, really what you are learning is how to speak the language of energy. Everything has an energetic component: our physical surroundings, our emotions, our thoughts, other people. Everything! You’re already dealing with this energetic world. What I teach my Reiki students are the tools that make management of that field (and thus your life) easier, more fun, and exciting.

The Power Of Taking Responsibility

To live more fully, you must live in constant partnership with your body’s energy systems. Your energy system thrives on the intelligence that animates millions of processes in your body every second. More often than not, your body’s intelligence is operating outside of its scope of competence due to being bombarded by incoming stress, and having a consistent relationship to being constantly stuck in fight or flight.

Being in this mode of fight or flight over a length of time can create serious health problems ranging from digestive to hormonal to more. No matter how you got there, the solution is often the same—find ways to deeply and truly relax. Not just in the body, but also in the mind.

This is how Reiki can be a complimentary practice to regular medical or psychological treatment, while also improving and accelerating your results. When a person receives Reiki, the God-Conscious part of the energy assesses where the person has blocks and then directs the healing energy, usually to the block that is nearest the hands. However, sometimes it will go to the block that is most important, even if it is far away from the hands. The Reiki energy then works with the negative thoughts and feelings that are blocking one’s natural flow of energy and heals them as well.

This can happen in a number of ways: by flowing to the affected parts of the energy field and charging them with positive energy, Reiki raises the vibration in and around the physical body where the negative thoughts and feelings are attached. Once your energy is flowing naturally, the physical organs and tissues are then able to complete their healing process.

Try to find proof that energy healing doesn’t work. There are even more testimonials that energy healing practices actually do work—such as moving breath (or prana) through breathwork and yoga, clearing your energy through intuitive meditation, reiki, or traditional Chinese medicine. All contribute to a healthier lifestyle, helping us to deal with the stresses of life in a more effective way. This explains energy healing’s growing popularity, as well as the fact that therapies, including Reiki and acupuncture are now offered alongside traditional western treatments.

Just as there are many forms of energy healing there are many energy healers in the world. It is important to find one that you feel comfortable with, that is aligned with your highest good, and works with a modality of healing that you resonate with. If you are interested in learning more about energy healing and the services I offer please reach out to me, or view all of my offerings here. I am confident that I can help you feel and be the divine individual you are meant to be, and scheduling a 15 minute connection call with me is a great place to start!

How to Attune to the Cycles of the Moon

I find I’m most in tune when it’s a full moon, and that’s because I spend a lot of my days around teenagers, and their sassy attitude and strange behavior almost always clues me into when the moon is at its peak. Can any other educators or health care workers relate? That phase used to be the most prominent in my world, but I’ve come to see and understand how and why all the phases matter—especially to my feminine energy and cycle.

Learning how women are impacted and influenced by the moon connects the cyclical nature of a menses to the cyclical nature of the cosmos. Integrating such lunar cycle information so you can align yourself with the universe means using both powerful energies to work in tandem.

Since reading Kate Northrup’s Do Less book and using her Do Less planner, I have embraced cyclical planning using the moon cycle as well as my menstrual cycle. The four phases of the moon give off a distinct energy and women do as well. Let’s learn to understand the importance of aligning woman energies with the specific energies of the moon.

4 Phases of the Moon as They Relate to the Menstrual Cycle

(Here is how to use the lunar cycle if you don’t menstruate)

The new moon is likened to menstruation.
This is a time to rest as new moon energy is associated with the middle of the night, the dead of winter. It’s the energy of turning inward—reflecting and relaxing. Have you noticed the American culture is beginning to accept this concept a bit more readily and shift the hustle mentality?

The waxing quarter moon is likened to the follicular phase.

Like the waxing quarter moon is between the new moon and the full moon, the follicular phase is after a women’s period and before her ovulation. It is associated with the energy of new beginnings; that is, it’s a time to initiate and plan. This is the metaphorical season of spring.

The full moon is likened to ovulation.

If you work in education or health care, you can usually sense when it’s a full moon as the energy among students and patients tends to be quite potent. To this end, the full moon is a time to connect and be visible. Oh, hello imaginative summer…I am here to be noticed!

The waning quarter moon is likened to the luteal phase.

And here we have the emblematic autumn. The waning quarter moon ushers things to a close—has you wrap up when you’ve been doing and take a moment to analyze what worked and what didn’t. And then again, the cycle continues.

4 Self-Care Suggestions Based on the Phases of the Moon

New Moon

Create a cozy space for yourself—grab a warm beverage and light a candle. Grab a pen and your journal. Journaling is such a powerful way of checking in with yourself. It’s quite incredible what comes out of your head, down your arm, through your hand and on to paper.

Waxing Quarter Moon

Get going on something new (or even a project you’re working on) by storming your brain a.k.a brainstorming—maybe it’s a home improvement project, maybe it’s a lifestyle change, maybe it’s content creation. I like to do this on a huge piece of paper with colorful markers, but you can go the tech route too and use Canva or Pinterest to create a vivid vision. Dream big and get going on something new!

Full Moon

It’s time to be seen and be social. You can do this through connecting with friends, collaborating with like-minded people or posting Reels on Instagram. It’s also time to attract what you want, and that means manifesting. Check out my most recent KPCo article which leads you through the 6 steps to attracting what you want and with ease.

Waning Moon

Take a deep breath because it’s time to declutter and organize. This means paying attention to your space. My favorite thing to do is put on an upbeat song, a true crime podcast or my latest Audible book and get going on creating the physical vibe I want to be in.

Using the moon as your touchstone in how you live your month is a cool way to live; believe it.

How You Become a Channel Through Hypnosis

What is Channeling?

Channeling is the act of connecting to something bigger than ourselves. In fact, many of us channel regularly and don’t even realize it. For example, perhaps you had a feeling about something that turned out to manifest itself in real life? Yep, that’s you, tapping into your intuition. And yes, when you are connected to your intuition, you are channeling as you become the medium between this world and unseen realms in which your higher self resides. Mediumship, or channeling, is a connection with source and oneness, which all are connected to, and this practice can take many forms. Some receive symbolism and metaphors, while others practice automatic writing and tapping into soul connections.

Today we’re going to speak specifically to Hypnosis. Still, before we get into it, I want to give some foundational information. For example, there are several schools of thought when it comes to channeling, and honestly, they all layer on top of one another. They speak to stepping out of the left brain and into the right, changing brainwave patterns, and raising your personal vibration. Now, I know you may be thinking, Emily, how the hell do I do that? Well, I’m going to explain how each one works and why they all produce profound effects. So, with that, let’s start out with raising your personal vibration.

Energetic Vibration

Science tells us that everything on a subatomic level is composed of vibrating energy and that each of us omits a unique rate of vibration. This vibration is an extension of source energy. From this place, we can connect to source and channel beyond our 3D reality. By tapping into the vibrational frequency of source, we begin to experience the knowing of other beings, other people, and other realms. As the native is simply an observer as they channel another. Once the connection is established, messages can come in through thought, spoken word, pictures, and sound. When someone alters their vibration and connects to another, this can influence their psychological responses, tone of voice, and physical nature. Mediums and Psychics alike who have mastered Hypnosis and Transcendent states of being put themselves into a trance. They open themselves up to connecting to the souls around them and beings on the other side. This is due to their heightened state of awareness. They are so tapped into their divine consciousness that they can communicate with energies on different planes.

I want to state that we are all born with this sense of connection and ability. The bond between the ethers and the 3D is not a privilege for those who are touched by god. It is accessible to all of us. Through conditioning and social norms, we subconsciously hide our gifts to better fit into the mold of the many. I’m here to tell you that you have the power to step into ANY dimension you desire; all that is required is a clear mind and a connection to the awareness that lives within you.

Left Brain, Right Brain

Alright, let’s get into the science of the brain. So for starters this theory has been completely debunked. Yes, it is true that different sides of the brain effectively produce different functions, however, logic and creativity do not fall under this explanation. Rather, science now shows us that creativity is associated with the default mode network, while logic is associated with the executive control network. Both of which live in the right, and left brain. And I know this may sound confusing so let me create a picture for you. I want you to imagine your brain, with a line down the middle, and on that centerline lives a butterfly. This butterfly crosses the hemisphere and preoccupies both sides of the brain. Thai is similar to the default network and executive control network. Make sense now?

The default mode network is most helpful when it comes to expressive and creative duties. This includes reading the emotions of others, enjoying artwork, composing music, and tapping into our intuition. On the other hand, the executive control network is essential for processing logic, language, and analytical argumentation. It’s great at remembering numbers, reasoning, and critical thinking.

Now, our brains function in a state of both logic and emotion every day, however, when we enter transcendent states, we step out of a copasetic relationship between the two, as the executive control network takes a break and the default mode network activates. We naturally enter brain wave patterns that move away from doing and step into feeling when this happens. When we do this, we raise our vibration and produce a frequency that matches higher realms of consciousness because we are entirely in our divine state of mind. We can tap into source energy without 3D judgment or examination, and incredible things begin to cultivate.

So when you hear people speak about stepping into their “right brain,” know that what they are really trying to convey is the practice of quieting the executive control network, and activating the default mode network.

Brain Waves

Now, four types of brain waves can occur at any given time. Gamma that cycles at 38-42 Hz per cycle, BetaBeta from 12-38Hz, Alpha 8-12 Hz, Theta 3-8Hz per cycle, and Delta at .5-3 Hz per cycle.

Gamma brainwaves are the fastest brain waves that cycle at a very high frequency. The function is to simultaneously process information from different aspects of the brain at once. Gamma waves allow the brain to pass data rapidly and silently. In order to step into this space, the mind must be still and quiet. It is activated when we are in mental states of heightened observation and awareness.

For this reason, it is speculated that Gamma changes the perception of perceived reality. It is linked to spiritual emergence, divine connection, and expanded consciousness. The scientific reason for this is that Gamma Waves are strongly connected to the visual cortex, which cultivates the full potential of the mind’s capabilities. It has to do with extreme focus, increased creativity, and, most importantly, attention on the body and awareness of senses. Sound familiar? This is precisely what we discussed in raising your vibration by stepping into trance. As you allow yourself to step into your body and feel, you create a connection between yourself and the energies around you.

In fact, Neuroscientists who study electrical frequencies in the human brain have repeatedly discovered Gamma Waves in those to be considered expert meditators. As they report experiencing deep feelings of peace, tranquility, and relaxation.

On the other hand, the Beta State is your normal waking state of “doing.” Most of us are in this state throughout our day-to-day experiences. Because when our attention is on the hamster wheel of life, our brains are alert, as they are judgmental, focused, and attentive. They are ready to move into fight or flight at any time and are in a constant state of 3D awareness. Just know that because the conscious mind is fully engaged, you will find yourself unable to access information from the beyond.

It would be like being tuned into the wrong radio station or the equivalent of some far-away longwave radio station, set on an island somewhere.

Now, from this point on, we discover something interesting. Our brain can reach divine connection through the Higher Gamma State and the lower Brain Wave States… And I know you may be thinking, how is that possible? Hold on tight; I promise I’ll explain it; for now, we are going to learn about Alpha states.

This state falls into the middle of the wave spectrum. When in Alpha, our brains are not focusing on anything in particular. It’s a state of relaxation in response to something mediative like doing the dishes or folding laundry, that is, if you enjoy these things. If you don’t, then it doesn’t count as meditative. Instead, perhaps just meditating outright is your thing. Because when we produce alpha brain waves, we’re able to tap into rest and relaxation. This state of being can also enhance creativity within the mind. Because of this, spiritual practitioners everywhere have found this as their baseline for channeling. As it directly connects us to serenity.

Alright, this state of mind is most associated with trance due to its correlation with relaxation. For example, Theta Brainwaves are apparent in those who are in light sleep or deep meditation. It’s a gateway for the subconscious mind to learn new habits quickly, access memories, and connect to our intuition. As our sense of reality shifts from the external world to our inner world. We release our “monkey mind” with all its thoughts, judgments, perceptions, and options, and we enter the present moment. With nowhere else we need to be, nothing else we need to do. It’s a state of relaxed detachment from all things concrete as we move into our personal perceptions of reality and consciousness as a whole.

In this state, I begin facilitating channeling with my clients due to their level of self-awareness, openness, and relaxation. They are open channels of communication at this point, and all judgments have been set aside. They have created the space to connect with energies outside of themselves. They become the conscious observer of whatever comes through.

And last but not least, we have Delta. This is a very auspicious state due to the fact that we don’t really know scientifically what’s happening to our brain when we are in this realm. In Hypnosis, we call this the Esdale state. It’s the deepest state you can go into in Hypnosis. It holds what people call the superconscious mind, infinite intelligence, and the collective unconscious. In fact, science has shown us that children under the age of 1 are in a dominant delta state, and by the time they are 3, they are fully in Theta. This is interesting when I recall all the stories I’ve heard of children who remember their past lives or “imaginary friends.” By the age of 5, most have no recollection of these events. Only their parents share their stories. Okay, back on topic!

Most who reach Delta have no conscious awareness and come back into Beta with very little memory recall from experience. It’s like we’re off somewhere else. However, some have been able to remain conscious in Delta, but know, this takes practice! Every once in a while, I will bring a client down into Delta if their critical mind is resistant to surrendering to the process. But more often than not, Theta is deep enough to channel.

The subconscious mind is dominant in a Theta brain wave state as trance alters and distorts our sense of time. The constructs of the rational mind do not restrict our thoughts. Perhaps most beautifully, though, the subconscious mind will begin to communicate through images and metaphors in a trance state. Our conscious mind is present and watching, but our subconscious mind provides the information and receives suggestions.

Although channeling can happen in the alpha state and below, there is something to be said about the misunderstood gamma brain waves and their connection to spiritual emergence. As I write this, the best explanation I can think of is a comparison of awareness. So let’s say that you are sitting in a chair with your feet on the floor. You begin to pay attention to the temperature in the room… any tension in your body.. and the rhythm of your breathing… These are the beginning stages of entering a light trance that will bring you into Alpha, then Theta, and Beta. But, let’s say that as you sit in that same chair with your feet on the floor, you begin to place your attention on external things instead. With your eyes closed, you imagine the space above you… sounds outside your window… and energies around the room… And let’s say we take that even further as you imagine floating above your home, above your city, above your country, and eventually above the world. Both of these processes bring you into transcendent states. The difference is one is going down into the body, and the other is going out, seeking new perspectives and gaining new insights of reality outside of the self. But because the premise of Gamma states falls under deep concentration, stillness and silence, it is much more difficult to access and take practice to step into a mental state of heightened observation and awareness.

How Do We Channel in Hypnosis?

As with any other hypnosis session, we start with an induction. This is bringing the brain out of Beta and into Theta. Once this is done, we move into phrasing that allows the client to access the energy they wish to channel. I leave this open to the client to discover because if I say who they will channel, I move from guiding to leading. And just for context, I’ll explain this a bit. Guiding is helping someone find their own answers; leading is controlling the narrative. When doing this kind of work, whether by ourselves or with a Hypnotist, we always want to be guided into a place to receive, as control is released. When I work with clients, I do this by stating, “there is a part of you that is divinely connected to your perception of a higher power; when that part is present, please say I am here.” This leads the client to connect with whatever energy is best suited for them at this time. I have had clients connect with ET’s, Buddha, their unique guides, and have even received the answer, “I have no name; I simply am.” Once we connect to the energy of another, we ask questions that the client came up with prior to trance. These questions can be about a client’s direction or advice on which they wish to receive wisdom.

Although the outcomes are different, the feeling is always the same. Clients explain how they felt whole as their conscious mind observed what was channeled without input or interference. They speak to feeling connected to something greater than themselves, as though they have a greater understanding of the connection they share to their guides, ascended masters, and beings’ that exist outside of the 3D reality. For those of us who weren’t given a safe environment to explore these gifts, it will take practice settling into these extraordinary states of consciousness.

As you explore this channeling space, collaborating with a Hypnotist can be an excellent tool to start with. It allows you to focus less on trying and more on experiencing. And the more you practice, the easier it will be to tap into these realms on your own. Your hypnotist can even link in suggestions for you to return to this state in your own time to make the practice easier. And remember, for those who struggle with accessing your gifts, allow yourself time to explore trance. If you choose to do this work independently, practice focusing so that your mind is not wandering with ruminating thoughts. You must become the observer, keeping conscious focus as you remember the questions you wanted to ask before entering the trance, which can be difficult. Once we move into Theta, forgetting our goals and desired outcomes becomes easy. We become so relaxed that we simply exist at this moment with no thoughts. So being able to stay conscious while surrendering to channeling will take time. But just like anything, it takes repetition, and the more you practice, the easier it will become.

Mediums and psychics alike tap into these deeper brain waves to connect to source energy, allowing them to channel loved ones, guardians, allies, and ancestors. It’s no different from a Hypnotist guiding their clients into a trance. Because all channeling happens when we step out of our own way, settle our mind, and center our energy. Whether it be Gamma or Delta, it’s all about relaxing and surrendering to universal energy.

The Mind, Body, Soul, and Spirit Connection

The Mind, Body, Soul, and Spirit Connection: What does it really mean? What makes up who we are and our whole Self? If you’ve landed here, with an interest in holistic approaches to healing, I am sure you’ve heard of the mind-body connection. We know we have different parts of ourselves, but how are they connected and how do they work?

Think of yourself as a circle with four parts. These four parts are the Mind, Body, Soul, and Spirit—or your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual self. When they are optimally connected and aligned, they are working together for you and your highest good. When one part of the whole is out of alignment, the other parts become unbalanced. By taking care of all parts of yourself, they stay connected, balanced, at their optimal frequency.

The Mind

The mind is our intellect, our thought processor, the mental aspect of ourselves. The mind is consciousness and subconsciousness. It processes and stores thoughts, feelings, ideas, incoming signals, memories, and emotions. The mind leads us, but should not be our only authority and ruler.

The Body

The body is your physical self. The vessel that carries you through everyday, allows you to breathe, eat, sleep, and live. The body is made up of cells that communicate, interact, and assemble to create our tissues, nerves, bones, and organs which allow us to not just survive, but thrive.

The Soul

The Soul is your emotional self, your younger self, your inner being. The soul allows you to tap into all that you are, all that you feel, express and have within you. Emotion is energy in emotion. Connecting to this energy allows you to flow.

The Spirit

The Spirit is your highest self, your authentic self, your true essence. Your spirit is everything that you already are, and everything you’ve always been. It is everything you have within you and allows you to tap into everything outside of yourself. It deepens your connection to the spiritual world and universe around you.

Connecting All Parts

All parts of your whole self speak to you in different ways. When you quiet your mind, your intuition will speak. When you connect to your body, you begin to listen and hear it’s whispers. As you tap into your soul and what you’re feeling by allowing it to be expressed, strong emotions can be understood, then dissipate, rather than weighing you down. By connecting deeper to these three parts of yourself, you open up everything you have within; your Spirit. Then you’re able to hear messages from your highest, most authentic self. It’s a continuous circle of bridging the connection between all four parts of the mind, body, soul, and spirit.

There are incredible holistic practices and tools to deepen your connection to your mind, body, soul, and spirit:

  • Guided Visualizations

  • Coaching

  • Hypnosis

  • Reiki Healing

  • EFT Tapping

  • Affirmations

  • Body Scan Meditations

By viewing yourself as one whole with these four parts, you will maximize your potential and healing.

A few ways to begin to understand if you feel alignment within your whole self. Allow these to be a guide for when you feel off balance, and where you can start to tap back into yourself.

  • Awareness of body’s signs

  • Recognition of feelings and emotions in the soul

  • Cognizant of intuitive messages

  • Trust in the unknown and future

  • A connection to a higher self

When you become aware of the wisdom your mind, body, soul and spirit is giving you, you are able to deepen your connection to yourself and the four parts that make up who you are. When you are connected to yourself, you become one embodied self.

How To Strengthen And Reinforce Your Spiritual Hygiene

When we talk about nurturing good physical hygiene, we agree to practice regular habits that promote reliable health within us, creating balance and integrity for the physical body we received in this lifetime. We can all agree that it’s important for us to receive adequate sleep, and to eat things which are nutritious. We also greatly enhance our physical well-being when we regularly exercise, practice self-care, cleanliness, and maintain our dental health.

Cultivating good emotional hygiene operates the same way. This can take the form of talking about your feelings with a trusted friend, or receiving an energetic healing from a Reiki Practitioner. Regular journaling can also help us to express ourselves before we share out loud. Whenever facing difficult or challenging times, a support group can be beneficial to help us process our emotions with others who are sharing similar circumstances.

When it comes to our energy however, it is part of the spiritual aspect of ourselves, and the way we energetically inherit and absorb the world around us. By managing your energy through spiritual hygiene practices, you allow yourself the opportunity to navigate challenging circumstances, while also releasing what no longer serves your highest good, in order to feel lighter, brighter, and consistently better.

With the current state of the world, we are barraged with feelings of fear, anger, resentment, blame and guilt on a daily basis. All of these emotions vibrate so low on the energetic scale, they do absolutely nothing to support our levels of well-being on an emotional, physical or mental plane. The levels of stress on our nervous systems are monumental and if we don’t calm, soothe, and recalibrate these systems regularly, we will feel burdened, overwhelmed, and full of anxiety.

When consistently using energetic practices, your energetic body vibrates at a higher vibrational frequency, allowing you to create the intentional life that you desire and intend. Energy practices can also help you maintain a healthy aura and energy field, so it does not interfere with your daily health and wellbeing.

When we up level our spiritual hygiene, we bolster our relationship to Spirit, God, Source, Universe, Divine. We find ourselves with a stronger advantage to overcome the low frequency vibrations, thought patterns and emotions that we are currently all consumed by, on so many levels.

When we do this every day, we begin to raise our vibration. When we raise our vibration we can begin to change our thought patterns. When we change our thought patterns, we can begin to change our reality. But it is a practice, we need to do it daily, however that may look for you, it has to become habitual.

What Is Spiritual Hygiene?

Spiritual hygiene refers to the practice of paying attention and maintaining your energetic self. This includes your aura as well as the rest of your astral bodies. Spiritual hygiene is practiced by many people, including those who practice every type of religion. Each person may use different practices, but they are all to achieve one goal; clear your energetic space of unwanted energy.

Spiritual contamination might be the result of not paying attention to one energy field, thus allowing other energies that are not yours to influence you. This could have a negative effect in all areas of your life including personal relationships or work. Your auric bodies extend around you and can easily interact with the energies of others. Even if you practice spiritual shielding and protection, it’s easy to miss a few days or have a situation where some negativity just seems to stick to you. But you can do something about it.

​​How Do You Know If You Need Spiritual Hygiene?

It is a good practice for anyone to pay attention to and tend to their personal energies. Just as you take care of and cleanse your physical body with personal hygiene practices, the same can be done on a spiritual level.

Psychics who can “see” other planes of existence are using their clairvoyant abilities to interpret bits and pieces of energy residue from others we have been in contact with, or past experiences which can stick to our aura, just like dirt and grime can stick to your body. There are some telltale signs when one is in need of a spiritual cleansing such as:

  • Too much chatter in the brain

  • Restlessness during quiet time

  • Too much drama happening in your life

  • Physical or emotional exhaustion

  • Difficulty focusing on tasks

  • Obsessive thoughts

  • Overly emotional or short-tempered

  • Irritated by other people’s energy

  • Financial stagnancy

What do you do if you feel you are in need of spiritual hygiene? The first step is to not worry. Your energy is very much a part of your body and you have the ability to master it. Even if the energy that is stuck to you is not yours, you have the ability to cleanse yourself, spiritually, and remove what no longer serves you.

How to Incorporate Energetic Practices to Achieve Spiritual Hygiene

As a Soul Liberation & Embodiment Guide, I understand the importance of cultivating and nurturing my daily practice. To be able to serve my clients at the highest level, my spiritual body has to be clean, it has to be strong and it has to be nourished.

In addition to practicing Reiki, I personally use meditation, journaling, going for a walk, breathwork, taking a salt bath, and listening to music to help shift and manage my energy.

Start small if you need to, but just start. Find something that will fit into your daily life that will help connect you to Spirit, that will serve to cleanse your emotional body, and help strengthen and raise your vibration.

Examples of Spiritual Hygiene

Meditation is the go-to for most people when it comes to spiritual cleansing and hygiene. If you want to take it up a notch, visualize taking a mental, energetic shower. Simply watch and feel the good energy of the Universe fall all around you and watch as it cleanses away the negative energies from your personal space and auric field.

Conditions of many kinds, including chronic back pain, headaches, and eczema are greatly improved with regular meditation. A regular meditation practice can also alleviate anxiety, depression, and insomnia. While the research and documentation isn’t as thorough, using prayer, visualizations, affirmations, chanting, and gratitude lists can be just as effective, and have been shown to have similar results.

For millennia, monks and other spiritually advanced people have used chanting as a way to balance and cleanse their energy. There is proof that chanting affects physical matter as it can literally create patterns in sand. You can feel the effects of chanting as the soundwaves reverberate throughout your body, but the waves don’t stop there. They begin from deep within and travel to permeate the space around you, clearing and healing your energy and spirit.

To use this practice, sit as if you are going to meditate. Keep your spine straight and aligned and take in a deep breath. As you exhale, chant the sounds, OM. Exhale with the sound until complete then repeat. You can do this for as long as you like, but try to chant for at least two minutes. Play around with different ranges, like a higher OM sound or a low, deep sound. Do this until you find the range or tone that feels right to you and enjoy it.

The Chinese practice of Feng Shui urges us to look at our living and working environments to find balance with the natural world. Get rid of any clutter. When we have piles of “stuff” in our space that we don’t need or have use for, we are creating stagnation in our environment.

Smudging is another way to energetically cleanse a space to invite positive energy. When smudging a space, you burn plant material such as sage or palo santo. These plants and barks expel unwanted energy.

Burning sage to eliminate unwanted energy has been used for centuries, if not longer. Many people use it to “clear” a new space they are moving into. Simply light the end on fire and walk around the perimeter of the space you want cleared, allowing the smoke to remove unwanted energies. Then move through to the middle of the space, and wave the sage bundle up and down around you, much like an eraser, and allow the smoke to clear your personal energy.

The practice of using crystals, specifically selenite, is as easy as choosing your crystal and placing it in a space near you, or using it as an energetic magic wand. You could also grid your home or a specific room by placing a selenite crystal in each corner, one above your front door, or on the floor under your bed to clear your energy while you sleep.

Salt is a mineral that has long been used to absorb and remove negative energy. Salt is often placed around a home as protection, however a salt bath can be used to remove negative energy from you, too. Simply take a relaxing bath in saltwater or add Epsom salts to your bath for extra relaxation. Adding an essential oil to your bath can provide even more protection and enjoyment as you bathe in the luxurious scent and silky feel of the Epsom salt and oil mixture.

Your Cleansing Process Is Very Personal

There are many techniques you can use to cleanse your energy and enjoy spiritual hygiene. The key is to do something and keep practicing until you feel relief. If one technique doesn’t work, simply try another. You will find one you resonate with and when you do, you can remove energetic burdens so that you can experience the beautiful physical, mental and emotional states that come with spiritual health. If you can spend just 10-20 minutes each day to cultivate spiritual hygiene in your life you will be more grounded and have increased clarity.

In essence, maintaining a strong spiritual practice is key. If you don’t have one, create one. Find something that works for you. And if you do have one, maintain it and continue it, because as we ride through this invisible wave, we have absolutely no control, we have no idea how it will end. But what we do have control over, is our ability to connect with ourselves, with our heart space, with Source, God, Universe, Divine. Only then can we truly begin to navigate this perfect storm, become empowered and gain more clarity and freedom. During this time in history we need these spiritual practices more than ever in order to dramatically improve the quality of our life for as long as we live.

Manifestation Made Easy

It is the manifestation mindset that allows you to attract what you deeply desire. To experience such magic—with you as the magician—you need to loosen the grip on your wand and live in the frequency of knowing all you want will flow to you.

Manifestation focuses your brain and your body so that it enters a state of envisioning and embodiment. Here are the following steps to make you an energetic match for what you want:

  1. Focus on THE WHAT and not the how

    What is it you want to feel or what it is you want to receive? It could be wanting to feel at ease or in tune. It could also be you wanting a luxury sedan or a top position in your profession. Check in with yourself to come up with the answer to what it is you want; on second thought, it might be at the center of your thinking. Whatever comes through and gives you all the feels is “the what.” Give yourself permission to want what you want!

  2. VISUALIZE what you want to call in

    See what it is you want—in your mind’s eye and with your alert eyes. Close your eyes and create the mental picture in your all knowing third eye. Then, pay attention to what it looks like in the physical world. Be clear and specific, incorporating all five senses might aid in this visualization. If the vivid vision process is a bit of a challenge, you might choose to write out exactly what you are attracting and then post it somewhere for you to visually read and take in.

  3. FEEL the energy of what you want as if it is already yours

    Believe you deserve it and act like you have it—even walk and talk like it’s already yours. This is embodying what you want; taking it to the level where you feel the connective energy through the sensations in your body as well as all around you. It starts within and it presents itself in the outer world.

  4. Express GRATITUDE for what it is you are calling in—again, as if it’s already yours

    Say thank you for it. Thank you for {insert what it is you’re calling in}. Show love and appreciation for it like it’s yours and you couldn’t be more grateful to receive it and have it.

  5. Take INSPIRED ACTION to make it happen

    What can you implement in your life that takes little steps to receive what it is you want? Heck, what can you do to take a big leap? Action breeds results. Be intentional about what you do as you move toward having what will be yours. Our intentions are so incredibly powerful and life will show up and mold around them.

  6. DETACH from it and trust that you and the universe support your reality

    There’s just one last thing to do: release and don’t hold on too tightly. We sometimes get caught up in the how rather than the desire itself. We don’t always need to know how it will happen, just that it will. Loosen up the grip, and believe that your intentions and the universe are conspiring for the very best outcome for you. That it’s yours… already.

There’s just one last thing to do: release and don’t hold on too tightly. We sometimes get caught up in the how rather than the desire itself. We don’t always need to know how it will happen, just that it will. Loosen up the grip, and believe that your intentions and the universe are conspiring for the very best outcome for you. That it’s yours… already.

You will manifest with ease. You are tasked with the above plan of action, so go ahead and step into the manifestation portal. Use your mind for the greater good of making your dreams your reality—like my guy did with his current job and like my daughter did with getting into her #1 school.

In the short-term (say 3- to 6-months), think about what you want and specifically walk yourself through steps 1–6. Then, consider doing it again for your long-term (3- to 5-year) desires. Years from now, what are your current circumstances and what is your current lifestyle?

9 Ways to Create Your Own Sacred Ritual

For years, even decades now, you’ve heard that establishing morning routines can make you happier, more productive, and reduce your stress. You’ve likely seen studies, read articles, and heard your friends rave about their 10-minute practice that has just changed their life. You set out to follow the routine they told you is foolproof, but after a week of trying, you’ve fallen back to your old habits. You begin to wonder why we can’t seem to get into a morning routine schedule that half the world follows, and if you’ll ever follow a meditation or morning workout ourselves.

What if I told you routines aren’t meant for everyone? Creating your own rituals are individual for YOU. What your sister or friend do, may not work for you. Some people are energetically designed to thrive on routine, and some people thrive on taking things day by day. Your individual needs are so unique to you, and the first step to creating a sacred ritual is tuning into your needs and what you are craving. Yes, you heard me right! You have permission to wake up and decide what your morning looks like, in the moment. Do you feel lighter already

I personally thought I needed to create a morning and evening routine for most of my 20s. I didn’t understand why they didn’t stick, why they were always changing, and why I always ‘fell off’ my habits. It wasn’t until I understood my Human Design type, which is an amazing tool I highly recommend! I learned my arrow pointed towards a non-routine lifestyle. Learning this gave me the permission slip I needed to start checking in with myself to see what I wanted and needed in the moment, rather than planning everything out days or weeks in advance.

For those who have found a rhythm in their routines and rituals and are thriving, more power to you. May this serve as a reminder it’s okay to change your mind, take a break, or try something new! For those who are trying to find their groove, here are some ways I’ve started to fall in love with rituals that feel good in my soul and feel sacred.

Sacred rituals can look different everyday, they can happen when you first wake up, or at 1:00pm. When you choose to connect to yourself, there are no rules.

9 Rituals to Consider Starting for Yourself

  1. There are no rules. That’s rule number one. It’s about what feels good for you. What feels good? What are you craving? What tools would feel good to nourish yourself today? Close your eyes and let your intuition and gut guide you.

  2. Smoke cleanse to clear the space. Use sustainable palo santo, sage, frankincense, or your favorite incense. Clear your space to clear your mind before starting your day or to clear the energy mid day.

  3. Grab your favorite tarot or oracle card deck and pull a card to receive guidance. Meditate on the image before reading the guidebook. How does it make you feel? After reading the guidebook, journal about what came up for you.

  4. Tap into some intuitive movement or rest. Does your body want to move or rest today? Give it what it needs. Go for a walk, do some yoga, head to a class, or take a break.

  5. Drop out of your head and into your body. Meditate, visualize or breathe. Do a guided exercise or your own practice.

  6. Ask yourself how you’re feeling. Journal about what comes up and what feeling is present. Allow yourself to free-write.

  7. Set an intention for the day or evening. How do you want to feel? What action can you take to bring that into your day?

  8. What is on your mind? Take a few minutes to write down the 3 things you feel are most important to do today. Acknowledge them and then come back to another item on this list if it feels good.

  9. Spend a few moments practicing gratitude. What are you grateful for? Feel into this gratitude, then write 3 items down. If it’s a person, let them know and acknowledge them.

Rituals become sacred by the intention we put behind them. Take some time out of your day to make an intentional choice that feels good for you. Pick something that feels aligned from this list, or another tool that your soul is craving. Remember, everyday can look and feel different. That’s what makes the human experience so beautiful.

What are some of your favorite sacred rituals? Share with us below!

How to Connect to Your Chakras

Have you ever heard of the chakra system? Or perhaps you hear a lot about ‘opening up our third eye’ or ‘clearing our energy’? There is so much to the chakra system to understand and there are simple tools to help us connect to them at home.

Our body is made up of energy centers and points, known as chakras. Imagine them as spinning disks of energy that can stay open and aligned as they spin. They correspond to bundles of nerves, organs, and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.

There are seven main chakras in the body that are referred to within many spiritual practices. These chakras align along your spine, from your sacrum to the crown of your head. With each chakra, there is a corresponding area of the body, color, number, name, mantras, and health focus. When energy becomes stuck or stagnant in our body, our chakras may become blocked. Energy can become stagnant from physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual forces. As chakras are blocked, they fall out of balance and begin to stop spinning.

By beginning to understand the chakra system, you can intentionally work with your chakras to bring balance back to your mind, body, soul and spirit.

7 Main Chakras

  • ROOT CHAKRA: The first chakra is located at the base of the Spine. It is the building block for the chakra system connecting childhood, family, basic needs, safety, and security. Color: RED

  • SACRAL CHAKRA: The second chakra is located below the navel. It connects us to ourselves, divine feminine (regardless of gender), our body, and relationships with others. It opens our creativity, emotional expression, passion and pleasure. Color: ORANGE

  • SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA: The third chakra is located right below the ribs in the abdomen. It holds your sense of self and personal power, moving through life with confidence and conscious decisions. Color: YELLOW

  • HEART CHAKRA: The fourth chakra is located in the heart space. It opens you to love and compassion for others and self, to your wholeness within and is the seat of your soul. Color: GREEN

  • THROAT CHAKRA: The fifth chakra is located at the base of the throat. It gives voice to your self-expression, communication, and authentic self. It is the bridge between your physical self and higher self. Color: BLUE

  • THIRD EYE CHAKRA: The sixth chakra is located right between the eyebrows. It is your center of inner vision, place of intuition, and soul knowledge allowing you to trust yourself and the wisdom of life. Color: PURPLE/INDIGO

  • CROWN CHAKRA: The seventh chakra is located at the crown of the head. It is our connection to the collective consciousness and the spiritual world beyond. We are able to connect to our highest self and higher power of the universe.⁣ Color: CLEAR/WHITE (encompassing the rainbow)

Where your focus goes, energy flows. When bringing your awareness to your chakras, you allow yourself to connect to your chakras. By clearly setting an intention to connect, you begin to send energy with just one action. I have three favorite tools to connect and keep balance flowing within the chakra system: Affirmations, Movement, and Color. These simple tools can be done in just a matter of minutes, and allow you to bridge the connection between your mind and body, which strengthens your chakras natural state.


Repeating affirmations directs healing energy to restore balance and flow to your body, while rewiring the subconscious mind. We’ve all heard how powerful affirmations are to shift the power of our mind, but they also can be directed to boost chakras. Affirmations specific to each chakra work with the health focus of that chakra’s strengths, clear its imbalances, and allows you to tap into your power. Repeat affirmations out loud 3-times a day in the mirror for as many days as you feel called.

Root Chakra Affirmations:

I am grounded. 

Abundance flows to me with ease. 

I am safe

Sacral Chakra Affirmations:

I am creative.

My emotions flow freely.

I trust and honor my body.

Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations:

I am empowered.

I release self-doubt.

I am worthy.

Heart Chakra Affirmations:

I am whole.

I choose forgiveness and compassion.

I am loved, loving, and lovable.

Throat Chakra Affirmations:

I am authentic.

I speak my truth.

I honor my feelings

Third Eye Chakra Affirmations:

I am intuitive.

I live in alignment with my purpose.

I trust my inner guidance.

Crown Chakra Affirmations:

I am limitless.

I am divinely guided.

I am connected to my highest self.


Movement is a form of release. When energy is stuck in the body, thoughtful movement opens up space for that energy to move. These movements are meant to be held and thought of as stretches, not rigorous, but rather, to open up the areas of your body correlated with your chakras, to connect with your body, and drop into all parts of yourself. When energy is given space to release, you’d be surprised what can come to the surface. Do each pose for a few minutes, and hold, taking long deep breaths. Close your eyes. Give yourself permission to just be.

Root Chakra:

Child’s pose

Mountain pose

Sacral Chakra:

Goddess pose

Pigeon pose

Solar Plexus Chakra:

Warrior I pose

Warrior II pose

Heart Chakra:

Cat/Cow pose

Prayer pose

Throat Chakra:

Cobra pose

Lion pose

Third Eye Chakra:

Lotus pose

Forward fold pose

Crown Chakra:

Savasana pose

Rabbit pose


Associating each color with its corresponding chakra is another great way to strengthen your subconscious mind’s connection to each energy center. Colors play a vital role in our day to day. We can weave colors into our daily lives in many different ways, from the colors we surround ourselves with to the food we eat. Here are some simple yet highly effective ways to bring colors into your daily practices!

  • Eat for your chakras: We’ve all heard the term eat the rainbow before. This applies for the chakras system as well. Looking to boost your personal power? Eat golden yellow foods. Rich, nutrient dense whole foods can boost your chakras natural abilities.

  • Dress for the chakras: Wear the color of the chakra you want to connect to. This will allow you to connect to the energy of that chakra all day.

  • Crystals for spiritual healing: Boost your meditation practice with crystals for the chakras. Crystals carry high vibrational energy and can be amplified during meditative states, or by simply carrying them with you in your pocket. While not all crystals correspond by color for each chakra, many do!

Connecting to your chakras and energy is a practice. When we begin to become more aware of our energy and how our mind, body, soul, and spirit send us information, we understand more. As you feel energy stuck in your body and what emotion or feeling arises, your awareness allows you to bridge the connection to that chakra. With your newfound awareness and knowledge, you can bring in practices to connect to your chakras. Understanding is where you begin to take intentional action to clear and align your chakras. All it takes is one intention to begin to connect with your chakras. Let us know how it feels!