
How to Heal Past Incarnations with Hypnosis

When we choose to heal past incarnations through the practice of Hypnosis, we begin to find that resolution comes in many forms. Our understanding of our soul evolution is expanded; we gain a higher perception of why we may do the things we do and really dig into why we feel the way we feel. This greater perspective gives way to Karmic Healing. A great example of this would be someone who has experienced abandonment in a past life, and their soul never healed, found self resiliency, and/or found faith or trust in others or themselves. Until addressed, this fear has the potential to perpetuate subconscious worry into future incarnations. When we practice healing past lives from a quantum perspective, we allow healing to occur in all timelines, universes, and realities. This ends the cycle of fear and abandonment and invites a sense of security and inner trust.

What is Hypnotic Regression Therapy?

Hypnotic Regression Therapy is a process of experiencing memories (both in this life and other lives) in a transcendent state in order to find insight and recover from complex events. Now, I know that may sound vague, so let’s expand a bit. To start, let’s look at what trance is.

Our brain cycles through different wave patterns all the time. The Beta state, which cycles at 12 to 38 cycles per second, is active during awakened cognizance. It produces conscious thought and logical thinking. The alpha state cycles 8 to 12 cycles per second, creating the ideal conditions to learn new information, accomplish tasks, study languages, and analyze complicated situations. The Theta State, cycling at 4 to 8 cycles per second, allows for transcendent, hypnotic, and meditative environments within the body. This cultivates creativity, stress reduction, restfulness and enables us to examine our interior worlds. Exploring everything from intuition and emotional thoughts to holistic perceptions and higher consciousness.

To induce a Theta State, hypnotists use something called an induction. This is a story of sorts that brings one out of the mind, releasing critical thinking and judgment into the body, embracing possibilities and emotional expression to make a permanent change on a subconscious level. An induction can involve breath work, visualization, mental confusion, kinesthetic prompts, eye fixation, etc.

Even deeper, we have Delta brainwaves with a pattern of 1 to 4 cycles per second. The Delta State is associated with deep sleep, dreams, and Hypnosis. It is the realm of the subconscious mind and the gateway to the collective unconscious. The information that is held here is not available at the conscious level. A lot of extraordinary work can be done at this deep level of Hypnosis.

So, now that we know what trance looks like in the light and deep states, let’s look at Hypnotic Regression Therapy. For this, I am going to give you two examples. One is focused around a past incarnation, and one is focused on a present embodiment.

Let’s say in this life, you have always felt as though you didn’t belong. You felt it to be true in social settings, your home setting, and your work setting. There’s this innate feeling of not belonging in this world or of this world. Hypnotic Regression Therapy allows you to return home through an incarnation that feels more familiar to you than the one you currently embody. This connection brings peace and wisdom. It allows you to resonate with where and when you felt at home and helps you come to terms with the purpose you have in this life, on this planet. Our work is focused on healing the soul and bringing acceptance into the current energy and incarnation.

Now, let’s explore the current incarnation process; you were bullied a lot as a young child. This criticism then causes you to people please and diminishes your self-confidence. Hypnotic Regression Therapy would allow you to return to the very first time you were ever bullied and reframe the memory by giving the younger version of you all the insight and wisdom of your adult self.

By this point, you may be thinking, “Okay, yeah… So we revisit memories, but how is that different from assessing recollections in my mind right now?” When in the Trace, we don’t just remember; we revisit and step into our memories fully associated, as though they are happening in real-time, and these memories that are experienced are 100% true to the individual. What this means is that each memory is perceived by how we remember them, not always to the absolute truth. That being said, your truth of memory is all that is needed for your healing. Just know that others may remember the situation differently. This is because memories are faulty and differ from person to person due to perception, age, emotional intelligence, miscommunication, and emotional involvement in the situation.

What is the Difference Between Guiding and Leading?

To guide is to help you get to a destination, whereas leading implies giving you the destination. An example of this is the induction during a Hypnosis session. This has a lot of leading; however, it has a purpose. By telling you to imagine your foot is covered in warm water on a beautiful beach, you are using visualization, imagining what it would feel like to feel the warm water against your skin, and you begin to relax your mind and enter a Trance. However, once the induction is done and we get into the body of the work, everything explored should come from your mind, thoughts, and feelings. For example, if we explore a past life and tell you that you are a man in 4500 BCE, that would be leading, and we would quickly move into imaginary dream worlds rather than memory. Your mind should fill in the blanks, not the Hypnotist. Once we get into the body of the work, the “W” questions who, what, when, where, and why will always guide the client to find their own answers. As we transition into the body of the work, the Hypnotist should move into guiding. The vocabulary for this would look something like “as you open the door to a past life in which you are ready to revisit, I want you to tell me what you see, hear, feel and experience.” and then follow up with the “W” questions. This is guiding.

What Happens in a Past Life Regression?

In a Past Life Regression (PLR), one of the most important steps is to set up a peaceful place before bringing the soul back in time. During regression, most people have emotional abreactions. This is normal and can vary from sadness and loss to hysterical crying and anger. This is a critical point in the session. These emotions must be brought up in order to heal the emotional wounds attached to these memories. As soon as a Hypnotist notices abreactions and has the key to metaphorically unlock healing, the client is brought back to their peaceful place (which was set up at the beginning of the session) where they can process recenter before addressing the situation head-on. This gives the client opportunities to take breaks during intense, emotionally challenging sessions.

Another aspect of PLR is the transition techniques used from the induction to the body of the work. While some Hypnotists use the hall of doors, each door leading to a different life, others use the time tunnel, which directs you to a point in time that your soul is ready to revisit, and some use the bridge of time to connect the soul from one realm to another. Many techniques exist that will connect you with a past life; however, there is a caveat. You do not get to choose what life you go back to unless you have visited it before. The first time visiting a past incarnation must be the soul’s choice, so you cannot be led there by ego or thought. However, if you have explored past lives on the soul’s terms, knowing you went wherever you needed to go, you may return to those lives with intention. The reason for this is to make sure false memories aren’t created.

For example, someone who feels they were a witch in a past life in 1200 CE may want to explore if that is true. But by saying the words “now I’d like for you to journey back to 1200 CE, to the life when you were a witch” without truly knowing if this is true or false, can create a memory out of imagination. The wording in Hypnosis is precise and must be held with great value to serve the clients with integrity. Whatever the client experiences are held as truth, as long as the experience was brought about from their own conceptual memory.

How is Resolution Found at the End of a Session?

Once in the body of the work and after the client has shown an abreaction, we have a greater understanding of the memory and the emotions attached, giving insight into what must be healed. The resolution that the client seeks can be found through Gestalt Therapy and Informed Child Technique.

Gestalt Therapy is a process of role-playing that aids the resolution of past conflicts. This could look like an argument, and from your perspective, you feel hurt and disappointed, but when given the opportunity to put yourself in others’ shoes, you recognize the pain they were in and how much they feel guilty for what they have done. This process broadens the mind’s perspective and helps us identify the humanness in everyone and that we are not the only ones with struggles. It does not mean the client will forgive the other person for what they have done, but it does give the client an understanding of the big picture and how their view may be a sliver of what’s really going on. It also allows the client to say anything they need to, to this person, without repercussions or disturbances. This kind of release in the safety of your mind, knowing you have a guide and a peaceful place to go to if things get rough, creates an ideal environment for healing change to occur.

The second is the Informed Child Technique. This process transforms the root cause of a subconscious experience in childhood, either in this life or another. It allows the client to come face to face with their younger selves and re-parent their inner child from their adult perspective. This can completely transform all limiting beliefs and behaviors associated with the issue at hand.

Before the end of a session, several things must be completed and released before bringing the client out of Hypnosis. For starters, the client must forgive themselves for carrying the hurt (anger, fear, shame, etc.) and let it go. They must release the energetic attachment they have to the perpetrator(s) for what they did and hand over the outcome to the hands of Karma. There must be confirmation that the event has been emotionally, physically, and spiritually released, not only for themselves but any person(s) involved. The Hypnotist must also double-check whether there is anything else to discover and release before moving into subconscious relearning. If there is more to address, the Hypnotist should either proceed to the compounding event or, if there is no more time left in the session, do so in the next session. Checking and rechecking through the session for release is very important and gives both the client and practitioner the assurance that resolution has been found and can be integrated.

After confirming the release of the event(s) that caused the client’s presenting problem, it’s crucial to empower the subconscious mind to accept the desired changes. This goes into the habit of having a habit. We may emotionally be ready to let go; however, if we are used to feeling a certain way all our lives, this habit could overrule the emotional release. The client must believe that their results are permanent. This can be done by asking, “As a result of what you have uncovered and released, how will you most benefit in the here and now or the coming days, weeks and months in this life and the next?” or “Now that you have released (state clients problem), what new insights or understandings do you have?”. These questions provoke the client to explore breaking the habit and bringing in a future-focused goal since healing the past.

Healing past lives with Hypnosis is highly beneficial to anyone who feels energetic or subconscious holds have been brought over from a past life. It’s also a great way to understand the evolution of your soul and explore what other souls you continue to reincarnate with.

Aligning Your Workday with Cosmic Energy

Did you know each day of the week corresponds to a planet in our solar system?

Cosmic energy is all around us. From the tides of the ocean, influenced by the moon, to the way animals instinctually react to eclipses, there are many real-life examples of how the energy of our solar system impacts our own energetic fields every day.

But, what does it mean to have your energy influenced by an external force? How is that even possible?

In A Brief Tour of Higher Consciousness, scientist Itzhak Bentov posits that the entire universe is shaped like a toroidal sphere. Ancient Vedic scholars (some of whom were astrologers) understood this, in human form, as the alignments of the chakras in our bodies. Essentially, energy is at its most concentrated at the center of our body — exactly where each of the 7 main chakras are located. From there it radiates out on both sides of the body and then sweeps back in, forming the shape of a doughnut.

Ancient philosophy and science alike recognize that the energy of our bodies can be influenced by the energy of other things around us. Take the Moon as an example. We know, scientifically, that the Moon influences the tides of the ocean. We also know, scientifically, that human bodies are made of mostly water. Is it so far-fetched, then, to believe that the Moon must also influence us?

In the same way, each planetary body in our solar system has its own energetic force, similar to the toroidal spheres. Ancient scholars named each of these planets after a god or goddess that exhibited certain qualities they found to be relative to the planet they were observing. Today, we can use these studies to help us understand how to structure our day in alignment with each of these celestial bodies.

Planet's Associated with Week Days

Here’s How it Shakes Out

Monday = the Moon

The energy of the moon is fluid, deep feeling, nurturing and can sometimes be intense. Think waking up slowly, making a delicious cup of tea or coffee and spending an hour in deep meditation. Mondays are meant to be slow days and are best for reflection and introspection. It’s an excellent day to reflect on the previous week.

If you can, take your time waking up on Mondays. Start the day with a yummy ritual like meditation or mindful breathing. If you have the ability to create a flexible schedule, I’d highly suggest waiting until Tuesday to schedule meetings. Because the moon can sometimes cause us to feel deeply, we may not be in the right headspace to soak up 50 action items in a 2-hour long meeting. If you don’t have any flexibility, I’d highly encourage you to take 5 minutes before your meeting to do some mindful breathing exercises (you can easily do those at your desk!). This will ground you and help you feel a little more at ease while listening to your colleague’s 40-page slide deck presentation.

Tuesday = Mars

Tuesday is a day for ACTION! Whether it’s starting a new project that’s already been planned out, meeting with new clients, or even starting a business, the energy of the planet Mars is behind you this day. In some ways, Tuesday should really be the first day of the week because we often feel incredibly motivated and high energy. Mars brings clarity, fire, action, and drive. But be careful, you can also feel incredibly impatient on this day and your temper might just flare.

Tuesdays are great days to start new things – plain and simple. Use the fiery, strong-willed energy of the planet Mars to (in the words of JVN) GET THINGS DONE, HUNNY.

Wednesday = Mercury

Wednesdays are a day for communication. Thinking about trying a new email strategy? Today is a good day to give it a whirl. Folks are more likely to be open to new forms of communication on this day. Want to know why Wednesdays are typically one of the highest engagement days on social media? Mercury. Embrace your social butterfly today. Attend a networking event, share a new idea with a colleague, it might even be a good day to talk about something that’s a little uncomfortable — personally or professionally.

Mercury is encouraging us to talk it out, share our ideas, and build social bonds.

Thursday = Jupiter

Thursday is a day of joy, abundance, expansion, and adventure. All of these words describe the planet Jupiter and the energy it supports. Book a vacation and/or start your trip on Thursdays. Ask for a raise (or raise your prices or billable rate) on Thursdays. Brainstorm a new idea or plan that will take your business to the next level. Because Jupiter is curious, Thursdays are also a great day for learning something new — be it professional development in your field or learning a new skill.

The energy of Jupiter encourages us to think big, chase after our wildest dreams, and build a connection with ideas and people that encourage us to step outside of our comfort zone.

Friday = Venus

Ever heard of Feel Good Friday? Yeah, that’s the energy of Venus at work. Venus is the planet of yummy, feel-good, warm, sensual experiences. It’s also the planet of stability — think family, home, and finances.

Fridays, just like Mondays, are a great day to slow down. Save those client meetings (if you can) for Tuesday-Thursday. If you have the ability to, Fridays are a great day to take the day off, or work at a super cozy coffee shop. Because Venus is also related to financial stability, you could open a new savings account and then transfer a little bit of money into the account every Friday.

Saturday = Saturn

Saturday is all about taking practical steps toward what you want to achieve. Saturdays are great days to plan out your next email or social media campaign strategy. They’re also a really great day to do research — think market analysis.

Saturdays are great days to make a list for the week ahead. Because the energy of Saturn is practical and mission-oriented, you’ll have that energy backing you — making sure that no stone goes unturned! Saturdays would also be great days to draft up client contracts (but don’t necessarily send them! I’d revisit that on Wednesday).

Sunday = The Sun

Sunday Funday, anyone? Yup — you can thank the energy of the Sun for that. What do you think of when you think of the Sun? Big, bright, bold, powerful? That’s exactly how we’re encouraged to feel today.

Sundays are great days, much like Thursdays, to think big. Because the Sun is more action-oriented than Jupiter, today can be a great day to try out a new, bold idea. Perhaps a new social media ad or a revamp to your website. Today, look at things a little more selfishly that will ultimately lead you toward more fulfillment in your business.

I hope you found these tips useful — try them out for yourself and see what you think! Are you already doing some of these things? What new things will you incorporate into your routine?

Witch Wounds And Good Girl Myths

We just closed our spooky season, but some are still feeling the witchy vibes abound. The witch archetype is portrayed in our society as an outcast — a spell binding recluse, capable of only evil. She is to be feared. Or is she just misunderstood? In recent history, many researchers have begun to explore the misunderstanding of this archetype and just how detrimental it has been in the women of our society.

They deem it the Witch Wound.

It is a wound that all women carry that impacts their ability to live as their sovereign self. Women are left feeling like they are not enough, don’t have a voice, and are not safe to express themselves in their full capacity. Sound familiar? Keep reading.

Long ago, women were the hinge of their tribes as a vessel for new life. They were the life-givers, healers, midwives, medicine women, and, above all, had a voice within the tribe as “the wise one.” The power of a woman was honored through divine feminine energy: emotion, creativity, intuition, flow, nurture. A woman who was connected to the earth, relied on her intuition, and lived in flow without fear of sharing this knowledge was known as a witch of sorts. In fact, the mere etymology of the word witch is derived from the term “wicca” or “wise woman,” a complete misunderstanding from the archetype we are programmed to fear and avoid in today’s world.

The intersection of the patriarchy and religion

In Europe centuries ago these institutions denounced many of these tribal healers, particularly Pagan women, as “evil doers” as their knowledge and gifts often threatened the agenda of those institutions. Women who stood in assertion, held knowledge of healing, or lived outside the “good girl” rules were burned at the stake. It’s estimated nearly one hundred thousand women have been condemned and executed over the course of history for their connections to the witch. In a complete gendercide, women were almost guaranteed to be accused at some point in their lives.

Generational Trauma and the witch wound

To understand that women innately carry a Witch Wound is to understand the science of generational trauma. Generational trauma, in a nutshell, is the idea that the trauma in which our ancestors endured biologically changes the expression of the epigenetics in subsequent generations. In other words, trauma can be inherited and can change our psychology or the way in which we react to the world. Think: deep seated fear and anxiety that one doesn’t quite understand, but full on feel it during certain situations. All women in today’s world carry the trauma of the witch wound because many of our female ancestors and the collective of our feminine energy endured the prosecution of women in the witch hunts of the late Middle Age. Whether they were accused or executed, this trauma has stuck into our programming into the modern age.

The Persistence of the Witch Wound in Modern Times

Despite the fact that women are no longer violently burned at the stake here in the US (ps: this is still occurring elsewhere in our world), condemnation of women still exists in less seemingly obvious ways. One of my favorite authors, Majo Molfino, is an expert in this realm and has discovered that there are 5 myths in which many women align themselves to to fit the role of the “good girl” to prove they don’t fit the mold of what our witchy ancestors were burned for (read about it here). Today, the Witch Wound translates into women being “good girls”. Good girls follow rules, they strive to make their homes, careers, children, etc. perfect because they believe the things they do equate to who they are. Good girls believe in what they have been told, rather than utilize their intuition or empirical knowledge. They do not stand in their own truth if it means harmony will be disrupted in their inner circles, families, or careers. They tend to others at the expense of themselves and burn out. All women have all been a victim of these rules at one point in their lives.

Reclaiming the Power of the Witch Within

Women often feel uncomfortable with the idea of a witch; she is the obscure, ugly, typically without a man, often evil, and is ostracized by society. We fear her, the power she holds, and everything she stands for. It’s a misunderstanding that has been programmed into a woman’s literal genes over the course of history. However, the reality is that there is a part of you dying to fall back into the natural rhythm of the energy of Earth and into your sovereign self. The further you press into your desire to break free of the bullshit that takes you out of your own power, the more aware you become of how each invisible rule holds you back from being your own sacred self; a woman who honors herself wholly and stands assertive in her own truth without fear of condemnation.

I implore you to explore further into your own witchy ways. I’m not talking about cooking up spells (although equally as empowering); I’m talking about really having power over your own truth as a woman. Do your research on the invisible good girl rules. Explore how they hold you back. Find ways to release that programming. Let go of the idea that a witch is one to fear; she’s not. She is you.

She is the dream you secretly hold for yourself; the one you daydream about at your shitty 9-5. She is a desire in you to say fuck the rules and forge her own sovereign path. She is your shaky voice around the table of men, rusted beyond years. She is the voice telling you to take the risk on the crop top you love, despite what others may think about your midriff that kept your babies safe as they grew. She is your mama bear intuition and voice inside your head, the one nobody in your family seems to understand.

She is the wise woman who keeps it all together. She is the inner knowing that she is fucking magic and deserves for others to know it too.

Let her out.

Heal your Witch Wound, babe.

She is the wise woman who keeps it all together. She is the inner knowing that she is fucking magic and deserves for others to know it too. Let her out. Heal your Witch Wound, babe.

Am I Psychic?

It is clear to me that there is a lot of confusion around the word ‘psychic.’

As a Psychic Cheerleader, I am regularly asked if I am a psychic medium, or if I am able to foretell your future.

To which I respond, a medium is psychic, but not every psychic is a medium. Let me explain.

Psychics are simply individuals who are able to hear, see, smell, taste, feel, sense, or have intuition beyond the boundaries of the physical world. Just like you have 5 senses — you also have clair senses or extrasensory abilities that correspond to them. When you tap into these senses, the messages you receive can be used to make life choices that are in your best interest.

Because extrasensory gifts vary greatly in intensity and application, it’s best to imagine psychic skills on a spectrum. We all have intuition or a psychic nature — whether you refer to it as a gut reaction, instinct, or foresight. The question is whether or not you are listening to the signs, and whether or not you learned how to trust the information you are receiving.

As I’ve come to work with more and more women, I continue to share and educate others on my own psychic experiences in order to help clear any resistance around what being psychic “should” be, or how it continues to show up for each person. What is important is that we enhance and affirm how you receive information, in a way that makes the most sense for you. Everyone has a dominant clair sense. Mine happens to be clairsentience, the ability to clearly feel.

Almost everyone I’ve worked with has some sort of resistance or trauma and is afraid to receive the information or “do something wrong,” so we work together on releasing those particular beliefs out of your emotional and energetic bodies as they begin to reveal themselves. This allows you to enhance and develop your intuitive skills at a pace that is right and comfortable for you, continually empowering you to receive incredible clarity, internal guidance, and direction in your life through learning how to keep these energetic channels clear.

So Where Does Our Lack of Belief Come From?

We develop our psychic abilities during childhood. These gifts are passed down through close individuals who teach us to notice more — basic survival instincts that enable us to move safely throughout the world.

However, if I grew up without relatives or grandparents who were practicing shamans, and if I wasn’t shown to hold a deep reverence and spiritual connection to pacha mama, I would have to attend shamanism school as an adult to reaffirm my connection in this way. I would need to rebuild my trust in the powerful insights and wisdom available to me by relearning how to journey with my spirit guides.

And if my “crazy” Aunt Carolyn doesn’t happen to be a practicing psychic, and my entire family doesn’t believe her premonitions, and makes fun of the “weird” things she says during holiday dinners, I learn to let go of all my intuitive abilities and psychic gifts, shunning any gifts I may be aware I have, and disconnecting from them completely in order to fit in with my family.

I learn to stop believing in my own innate power and discovering my own immense worth.

Remembering Your Innate Power and Gifts

Until we have an awakening experience and truly seek out the ability to enhance and develop our own intuitive abilities, so we can listen to and embody our own inner truth and wisdom, our relationship to our psychic gifts are based upon a combination of our family’s belief systems and any thought patterns we’ve absorbed while growing up.

We’ve also consistently received false and conflicting information.

We’ve been warned all our lives about psychics being a scam. And we’ve also experienced the Hollywood version of psychics and wizards, complete with a velvet table cloth, crystal ball, a fog machine, and vague information or obvious answers which help to confirm our disbelief.

As children we are told to stop being so sensitive, that ghosts aren’t real, and that pain is always physical. Through this conditioning, we start to believe that emotions and intuition aren’t as valid as science and reason. We begin to need proof.

So we continue to suppress our gifts, sneer at clairvoyants (the clair sense of clearly seeing), and accept the physical realm as the full extent of our reality.

Learning how to tap into your own intuitive abilities requires that you release yourself from being deceived, and from all of the times in your life that you have ever been deceived. That deception is what lies between you and your belief around whether or not psychics are real — and if you can become one too.

While there are some people who call themselves psychics and can take advantage of and prey upon your deepest fears and vulnerabilities, this does not mean that working with a psychic will always lead to exploitation and your being gullible or tricked.

So while you are reading this, let’s un-create each of the beliefs that we’ve covered above, delete, and destroy each of them across all time, dimension, space and reality for you. Take a deep breath, exhale, and allow it all to go.

Now how does that feel?

Were You Told Your Imaginary Friend Was Not Real?

I don’t know about you, but I experienced a kindergarten class where I was handed a peach crayon for drawing the skin color of my family. If I had chosen green because I saw what was considered an alien walking around with me all day, as part of my “family” it would have raised an eyebrow from my teacher or a pointing finger from the student sitting next to me. I know my mom would not have believed me, and told me to “stop daydreaming” like she regularly did.

So any early supernatural events I experienced were regularly dismissed and discredited, and I grew up thinking being psychic was similar to learning magic (tricking someone) or describing a make-believe fairytale such as Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. I was also the baby of the family and was regularly told I was wrong, or “not born yet” enough times to doubt any magic abilities or my capabilities to change my current set of circumstances in any meaningful way. And being hyper aware, I desperately wanted to fit into a world that made absolutely no sense to me, so I silenced myself and my intuitive abilities in defense.

I also experienced a religious upbringing, which brings about its own set of passed down beliefs. For many of my early childhood years, I received the message loud and clear that I was not powerful. In addition, I was taught that my power was outside of myself and lived in something I could not possibly comprehend or understand. I came to accept through my religious experience that I had no control over my life and to put my trust in god’s hands. So I prayed every night for over a decade, and after not receiving what I was asking for, I decided god hated me and in response became an atheist.

And let me tell you, adopting the powerful limiting beliefs that atheism requires led me through a path of death and destruction in my life for many years. I became angry, justified, lost, fearful, anxious and completely off my spiritual path by shunning my spiritual connection, gifts and awareness. My reality quickly and inevitably reflected all of my beliefs about myself and the world.

So in order to eventually pierce through my “dark night of the soul”, I had to first completely walk away from a life of disbelief. Then through incredible instruction and guidance from those around me, I was led through identifying, then clearing the beliefs I held surrounding my wanting to be here on earth at this time (instead of somewhere other than here) so I could fully love, believe, accept, and begin to manifest my life here in an abundant way in this 3rd dimensional reality and lifetime.

And that is when everything changed. I suddenly and vividly remembered again why I’m here – just like I did in childhood. There had been a bunch of stuff that happened from late childhood into adulthood that got in front of me remembering my gifts anymore, and more than likely, the same thing has happened for you.

Tapping Into Your Psychic Abilities

Right after a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual crisis in my late 30’s which cracked me wide open, I began training as a Reiki student in order to integrate, process and heal from the inner child work I was doing with a trauma-informed psychologist. At the time, I remember feeling like my Reiki Master teacher or my Shamanism Leader were in a special group and I could never be as spiritually powerful or masterful as they had become. They both had unshakable self-belief in their intuitive awareness.

If I’m honest, I felt shame for not having a deeper understanding or a connection to how to use my gifts, or learning them earlier. I wished I had been born into a family who had encouraged my intuitive abilities. This emotional attachment was something I had to work on to release, eventually coming to a place of acceptance of what “should have” happened, and instead embrace the reality that I am already all-knowing, and I have the rest of my life to become the best version of me in this lifetime.

You are also all-knowing; however some, if not all, of your psychic abilities might lie dormant inside of you, which does not mean that it won’t be a journey to even deeper awareness. Our experiences and soul lessons may be different, and I may have started practicing my intuitive gifts before you, but that does not mean you aren’t as powerful or psychic as I am. I’m here to remind you of how gifted you truly are, and together, we are able to create some incredible and powerful shifts in your life.

I remember having a conversation with a Reiki Master higher up in my Reiki lineage. I told her how gifted she was with a meditation she led me through, and that I hoped to be as good as she was some day. Jennette politely laughed and said, “Everything is unfolding perfectly. You are perfect just as you are.”

Her response of unconditional love, non-judgment, and non attachment left such an impression on me that I had “Everything is unfolding perfectly” written in all kinds of places to remind me for several months, so I could regularly take it in.

A few years later, at the beginning of clairvoyant training, I again found the director of my school all-knowing, and was thirsty to answer my deeper questions about developing specific abilities — to only know what she knew— then I would become a master. Halfway through her program, I recognized that my perfectionism and wanting to “get things right” was creating resistance around deepening my own spiritual connection and receiving the answers I was looking to her to answer.

That moment of awareness was extremely powerful for me – simple, but incredible. I still remember which class I finally felt able to and knew how to release what stood between me, and being about to clearly see (clairvoyance), and when my ability to see my spirit guides or trust the information I was shown became even more pronounced and easier for me to “see”.

It was through each teacher’s guidance, leadership, mentoring, and training that I unravelled what I personally believed about being psychic or having intuitive gifts and abilities. I was a non-believer and had to practice and exercise my dormant abilities. This is how I am able to witness and hold the same space for others to do the same.

Whether one refers to him/herself as psychic, I want you to know, it’s not a secret club. It is my firm belief that every human being can access their intuitive abilities — and that in learning to access and build on those skills, you can experience less anxiety and have more trust in yourself and the world.

Want more ways to enhance your abilities? Take a psychic class or meditate. Learn how to work with your guides by asking for what you need and trust your perceptions as truth. Become attuned to Reiki, or learn practical tools to keep your energetic centers open and in alignment. Keep a dream journal.

Psychic abilities are one of the greatest gifts of nature. They enable us to sense something beyond the realm of our existence. A connection to something so much larger than us. They are abilities that everyone possesses to some extent, although most of us go through life not realizing the vast potential that lies within us — and must be cultivated with intent. These abilities are more normal than the traditional modes of communication that we attribute to the spirit and which are limited through the five senses of the body. If anything, our psychic abilities and intuition become even more pronounced and astute with exercise and use, just like any other muscle or organ in our bodies, and incorporating them throughout your day is life transformative.