
Manifestation Made Easy

Nov, 30, 2021
woman in white button up long sleeve shirt sitting on black couch in lotus position

It is the manifestation mindset that allows you to attract what you deeply desire. To experience such magic—with you as the magician—you need to loosen the grip on your wand and live in the frequency of knowing all you want will flow to you.

Manifestation focuses your brain and your body so that it enters a state of envisioning and embodiment. Here are the following steps to make you an energetic match for what you want:

  1. Focus on THE WHAT and not the how

    What is it you want to feel or what it is you want to receive? It could be wanting to feel at ease or in tune. It could also be you wanting a luxury sedan or a top position in your profession. Check in with yourself to come up with the answer to what it is you want; on second thought, it might be at the center of your thinking. Whatever comes through and gives you all the feels is “the what.” Give yourself permission to want what you want!

  2. VISUALIZE what you want to call in

    See what it is you want—in your mind’s eye and with your alert eyes. Close your eyes and create the mental picture in your all knowing third eye. Then, pay attention to what it looks like in the physical world. Be clear and specific, incorporating all five senses might aid in this visualization. If the vivid vision process is a bit of a challenge, you might choose to write out exactly what you are attracting and then post it somewhere for you to visually read and take in.

  3. FEEL the energy of what you want as if it is already yours

    Believe you deserve it and act like you have it—even walk and talk like it’s already yours. This is embodying what you want; taking it to the level where you feel the connective energy through the sensations in your body as well as all around you. It starts within and it presents itself in the outer world.

  4. Express GRATITUDE for what it is you are calling in—again, as if it’s already yours

    Say thank you for it. Thank you for {insert what it is you’re calling in}. Show love and appreciation for it like it’s yours and you couldn’t be more grateful to receive it and have it.

  5. Take INSPIRED ACTION to make it happen

    What can you implement in your life that takes little steps to receive what it is you want? Heck, what can you do to take a big leap? Action breeds results. Be intentional about what you do as you move toward having what will be yours. Our intentions are so incredibly powerful and life will show up and mold around them.

  6. DETACH from it and trust that you and the universe support your reality

    There’s just one last thing to do: release and don’t hold on too tightly. We sometimes get caught up in the how rather than the desire itself. We don’t always need to know how it will happen, just that it will. Loosen up the grip, and believe that your intentions and the universe are conspiring for the very best outcome for you. That it’s yours… already.

There’s just one last thing to do: release and don’t hold on too tightly. We sometimes get caught up in the how rather than the desire itself. We don’t always need to know how it will happen, just that it will. Loosen up the grip, and believe that your intentions and the universe are conspiring for the very best outcome for you. That it’s yours… already.

You will manifest with ease. You are tasked with the above plan of action, so go ahead and step into the manifestation portal. Use your mind for the greater good of making your dreams your reality—like my guy did with his current job and like my daughter did with getting into her #1 school.

In the short-term (say 3- to 6-months), think about what you want and specifically walk yourself through steps 1–6. Then, consider doing it again for your long-term (3- to 5-year) desires. Years from now, what are your current circumstances and what is your current lifestyle?


  • Lisa Desberg

    Lisa is a Self Love Coach, a Manifestation Guide, and a Reiki Master Teacher. As a Self Love Coach, she helps you to overcome self-limiting behaviors and habits through self care and self love strategies—ones that are accessible and authentic and can be easily integrated into daily living. As a Manifestation Guide, Lisa supports you in tapping into your desires and attracting ways you want to feel and things you want to have. What you want is already yours. As a Reiki Master Teacher, she guides you on your journey to become healer, and we know the world needs more healers. In level 1, you learn the history, the chakras, and the techniques to self Reiki and Reiki loved ones—even pets. In level 2, you become a practitioner. In level 3a, you become a Master, and in level 3b, you become a Master Teacher. Lisa finds joy in a morning cappuccino, a full day of teaching high schoolers, an afternoon meditation, and a night time dinner around the kitchen table with family. She weaves her favorite self care and self love practices into her everyday life, and her current favorites are breathwork, hydration, nourishment, celebration, movement, and journaling.

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