
Navigating March’s Astrological Transits

· March 2024 Energetic Forecast ·

lunar eclipse

Just as February was an exploration of the energy of Aquarius, March will be all about Pisces. The sign of compassion, dreams and intuition brings us multiple opportunities to confront the subconscious beliefs that may be holding us back by keeping us in the liminal space. The axis of Pisces and Virgo forces us to…

Navigating February’s Astrological Transits: 3 Pluto Conjunctions and North Node conjunct Chiron

As we embrace the second month of the year, the sky is arranging in a number of ways that promise to influence our lives profoundly (as it would be any different?)

In February, the planets are aligning to guide us through a series of transits that will shape our energy, emotions, and experiences. Let’s explore the key transits happening in the month of February, and how they will impact you:

February 5: Mercury Conjunct Pluto

The month kicks off with the planet of communication and comprehension, Mercury, entering the innovative and forward-thinking sign of Aquarius. Prepare for a surge of intellectual energy and a desire to engage in unconventional conversations. Aquarius’ influence encourages us to embrace new ideas, connect with like-minded individuals, and think outside the box.

Just as it enters Aquarius, Mercury makes a conjunction to Pluto, the planet of destruction and transformation. During this time, be mindful of your words. When Mercury and Pluto conjoin in the sky, we have a tendency to have a quick tongue and a short fuse. Words can really sting, so today, be mindful of how you’re speaking – especially if you feel triggered by something.

February 9: New Moon in Aquarius

The Moon graces us with its presence in Aquarius as the Snow Moon, amplifying the Aquarian energy that Mercury has initiated. This celestial transit marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle, offering us a blank canvas to set intentions related to innovation, humanitarian efforts, and community involvement. Embrace the spirit of change and open-mindedness during this New Moon.

February 13: Mars conjunct Pluto

Dynamic and assertive Mars joins the Aquarian party, infusing our actions with a desire to break free from limitations. Mars in Aquarius encourages us to pursue our goals with a humanitarian perspective, fostering collaboration and collective action. It’s a time to channel our energy into progressive pursuits and social causes.

Just like Mercury a week earlier, Mars will be facing off with Pluto today. Mars is the planet most associated with war and aggression. So – basically – if you felt the heat on February 3, you’ll most likely really feel it today. Make sure to take 3 deep breaths before taking any sort of action today.

February 16: Venus conjunct Pluto

The planet of love, beauty and values, Venus, follows Mercury and Mars as it enters Aquarius on February 16, adding a bit of charm and social grace to our interactions. Relationships take on an experimental and open-minded tone during this transit, asking us to embrace diversity and celebrate individuality. This is an opportune time for unconventional relational connections and exploring new facets of self-appreciation.

And, you guessed it, just like Mercury and Mars before it; Venus is conjunct Pluto today. This could signal major shifts in any relationships that are not on solid ground, especially if they feel like they might be holding you back from expressing your truest, wildest self. Keep in mind, any changes that happen during these three transits will ultimately move you toward your highest good – even if it feels overwhelming or uncomfortable at first.

February 18: Sun Enters Pisces

As the Sun moves into the mystical sign of Pisces, a dreamy and intuitive energy fills the atmosphere. Pisces encourages us to tap into our creativity, connect with our spiritual side, and explore the depths of our emotions. This solar shift invites us to embrace compassion and empathy, fostering a deeper connection with the unseen.

February 19: North Node Conjunct Chiron

On February 19 a significant alignment occurs as the North Node meets Chiron, symbolizing a transformative opportunity for collective healing. This transit encourages us to confront and heal past wounds, both on an individual and societal level. It’s a powerful moment for self-discovery and growth.

February 23: Mercury Enters Pisces

Mercury says goodbye to Aquarius and dives into the ocean of Pisces on February 23. Communication takes on a more intuitive and empathic tone, allowing for deep insights and spiritual understanding. It’s a time to trust your intuition, engage in creative expression, and explore the subtle realms of thought.

February 24: Full Moon in Virgo

The month concludes with the Full Moon gracing the practical and analytical sign of Virgo. This Full Moon encourages us to find balance between intuition and practicality, highlighting the importance of attention to detail and self-care. It’s a favorable time for reflection, organization, and making adjustments to align with our long-term goals.

February 28: Sun, Saturn and Mercury conjunct in Pisces

To round out the month, the planets of communication (Mercury), discipline (Saturn) and self-expression (Sun) meet up in the sky. While not a true conjunction, they are close enough that this energy will be felt by us all.

Pisces, a water sign known for its intuitive and empathetic nature, provides a canvas for these planets to harmonize. The Sun shines a compassionate light on the conjunction, fostering a sense of spiritual awareness and empathy. Saturn, the taskmaster of the zodiac, adds a touch of discipline and structure, urging us to channel our creative energy with a methodical approach. 

Finally, Mercury enhances the intuitive and compassionate energy of Pisces, encouraging meaningful conversation and the exploration of deeper emotional connections. This alignment invites us all to navigate our inner landscape with sensitivity, practicality, and a commitment to authentic self-expression.

As we navigate the transits of February 2024, these movements invite us to embrace change, innovation, and healing. Each planetary alignment adds a unique flavor to our experiences, guiding us towards personal and collective evolution. The invitation this month is to embark on this journey with an open heart and a willingness to explore what transformations might just lead you toward the actualization of your biggest dreams.

Navigating January’s Astrological Transits: Mercury and Uranus Direct, Pluto in Aquarius

As we dive into the start of 2024, it’s like the universe is throwing a cosmic party with the star of the show being Mercury (FINALLY!) direct in Sagittarius. January brings a number of supportive celestial movements for our New Year’s Resolutions, including the Sun, Mars and Venus in the disciplined sign of Capricorn, a supportive New Moon in Capricorn on January 11, and Uranus direct in the tenacious sign of Taurus.

January 1 – Mercury Direct in Sagittarius

Kicking off the month, Mercury, the planet of communication and comprehension, goes direct in the adventurous and expansive sign of Sagittarius on January 1st. This marks the end of the retrograde phase that may have brought about delays and introspection, especially as it relates to travel or long-term plans. 

With Mercury direct, the metaphorical cosmic highway clears, allowing for clearer thinking, better decision-making, and more straightforward communication. After Mercury finishes its post-retrograde shadow mid-month, it’s a great time to set new goals and pursue intellectual ventures.

January 4 – Mars in Capricorn

Mars, the planet of action and assertion, positions itself in the disciplined and ambitious sign of Capricorn on January 4th. This combination cultivates a determined and strategic approach to our goals. Use this energy to channel your efforts into long-term projects and career or business aspirations. Just be mindful not to let the intensity of Mars in Capricorn turn into excessive workaholism—balance is key.

January 11 – New Moon in Capricorn

On January 11th, the New Moon moves into Capricorn, aligning with the themes of ambition, responsibility, and structure. This lunar event provides an excellent opportunity for setting practical and achievable intentions for the coming lunar cycle, as well as the beginning of a new calendar year. 

Reflect on your long-term goals, and consider the steps needed to bring them into fruition. The grounded energy of Capricorn supports steady progress.

January 20 – Sun in Aquarius, Pluto in Aquarius

As the Sun enters the progressive and innovative sign of Aquarius on January 20th, the cosmic spotlight shifts to community, social causes, and unconventional thinking. Embrace your individuality, and explore new ideas and perspectives. Aquarius encourages collaboration and humanitarian efforts, making it an ideal time to connect with like-minded individuals and contribute to a greater collective vision.

Meanwhile, conjunct the Sun, Pluto is making its penultimate transit into Aquarius, which will end an almost 20-year cycle by the end of 2024. This transit brings a transformative energy to our collective consciousness. Aquarius, known for its innovative and forward-thinking nature, combines forces with Pluto, the planet associated with deep change and regeneration.

This transit sparks a period of societal evolution, pushing humanity to reassess and revolutionize existing structures, ideologies, and systems. Pluto’s penetrating influence invites us (as individuals and communities) to confront issues related to power dynamics, authority, and control. This alignment encourages a societal shift towards greater transparency, empowerment, and a willingness to embrace unconventional ideas. 

As Pluto moves into Aquarius, it may also unearth hidden truths and expose underlying societal issues, catalyzing a radical change in how we approach technology, communication, and social connections. This transit challenges the status quo and propels humanity towards a more progressive and enlightened future over the next 20-year cycle.

January 23 – Venus in Capricorn

Joining the party in Capricorn, Venus, the planet of love and beauty, moves into this earthy sign from January 23rd onwards. This alignment infuses relationships with a sense of stability and practicality. It’s an excellent time for committed partnerships, as Venus in Capricorn values loyalty, responsibility, and shared long-term goals.

January 25 – Full Moon in Leo

On January 25th, the Full Moon in Leo illuminates the night sky, bringing a burst of creative and expressive energy. Leo encourages us to shine in our authenticity and embrace self-expression. This lunar transit invites us to celebrate our achievements and share our passions with the world. Balancing the proud energy of Leo with the disciplined nature of the ongoing Capricorn stellium will be key during this time.

January 27 – Uranus Direct in Taurus

Uranus, the planet of innovation and change, turns direct in Taurus on January 27th after a period of retrograde motion. This shift sparks a sense of forward momentum, particularly in areas related to finances, stability, and the Earth’s resources. Expect breakthroughs and unconventional solutions in these areas, as Uranus propels us towards transformative shifts.

As we navigate the celestial transits of January 2024, the key lies in finding a harmonious balance between the earthy practicality of Capricorn, the progressive vision of Aquarius, and the expressive energy of Leo. Embrace the opportunities for growth, set realistic intentions, and remain open to the unexpected twists and turns that the cosmos may bring.

Navigating December’s Astrological Transits: Mercury Retrograde, Neptune Direct and Jupiter Direct

December 2023 brings a potent collection of transits, promising both challenges and opportunities for personal growth. As the final month of the year progresses, some of these aspects (like Mercury Retrograde) can feel frustrating, while others, like Neptune and Jupiter Direct, will feel more liberating!

Yes, Mercury Retrograde is BACK. No, it doesn’t have to feel difficult. It’s all about how you USE the energy.

If you know things might feel a bit more frustrating and slow during Mercury Retrograde, give yourself more time. You might just learn a thing or two about where you could cultivate more patience in your daily life.

Note, these are not all of the transits that are happening this month, but the ones I believe will be most impactful on us.

Neptune Direct in Pisces - December 6

When Neptune goes direct in Pisces, we begin a period of heightened spiritual insight and expansion. As Neptune moves forward, the ethereal energy of Pisces is amplified, offering a unique opportunity for connection to the mystical (as Neptune is the ruler of Pisces!)

This transit encourages us to trust our intuition, contemplate our dreams, and explore our creative consciousness. Neptune in Pisces dissolves boundaries, inviting us to embrace compassion, empathy, and a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.

It’s a time to surrender to the flow of life, allowing inspiration to guide us and encouraging a deeper connection to God/Universal Consciousness/Source (or whatever other word you’d like to use). As Neptune moves forward, the waters of Pisces invite us to navigate the waves of our inner world with grace and openness, which in turn builds a sense of unity and spiritual growth.

New Moon in Sagittarius – December 12

The New Moon in Sagittarius on December 12 invites us to take a journey of exploration and self-discovery through the house where Sagittarius lies in our natal Astrology chart. This new moon brings a surge of optimism and a desire for freedom. Under its influence, we’re encouraged to set intentions that align with our most audacious aspirations.

Sagittarius (ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion) amplifies our desire for knowledge and understanding. It’s a time to embrace new perspectives, broaden our horizons, and step out of our comfort zones.

The energy of this New Moon fuels our sense of adventure, urging us to seek truth, embrace spontaneity, and manifest the visions that fuel our inner fire. As the lunar cycle begins once again, we’re prompted to shoot our arrows of intention into the future, trusting that the Universe will guide us toward the fulfillment of our biggest, brightest dreams.

Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn and Sagittarius – December 13 - January 1

Mercury, the planet of communication and connection, goes retrograde in the pragmatic sign of Capricorn and the eccentric sign of Sagittarius to end the year. This retrograde period encourages us to reevaluate our long-term goals and to focus our spiritual learning inward. It’s a time to reflect on our professional pursuits and our spiritual path.

While Mercury retrograde is often associated with communication hiccups and technological glitches, embracing the slow and steady energy of Capricorn, and then the optimistic energy of Sagittarius, can help us navigate this period with resilience.

Winter Solstice – December 21

The Winter Solstice marks the shortest day and longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. As the sun enters Capricorn, the energy encourages us to turn inward, reflect on the past year, and set intentions for the coming months. It’s a potent time for inner reflection, acknowledging our achievements, and preparing for the rebirth of the sun and the return of the light

Full Moon in Cancer – December 26

As the moon reaches its fullness in the intuitive sign of Cancer, it illuminates the realms of home, family, and deep-seated emotions. This full moon asks us to reflect on our roots, seeking a balance between the need for security and the desire for growth.

Cancer, ruled by the moon, amplifies our connection to our emotional core, encouraging us to honor our feelings and find consolation in the comforts of home. It’s a potent time for releasing emotional baggage and fostering a sense of stability within ourselves.

Under the light of this full moon, we may find ourselves drawn to strengthening bonds with loved ones and creating a sacred space for healing. As the energy reaches its peak, we are reminded to embrace the rise and fall of our emotions, acknowledging their transformative power and allowing the gentle nature of the Cancer Full Moon to guide us toward a deeper understanding of our innermost selves.

Jupiter Direct in Taurus – December 30

When Jupiter goes direct in Taurus, it marks a shift that brings an earthy and stabilizing energy to our collective energy. Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance, amplifies the grounded qualities of Taurus, cultivating a period of tangible growth and prosperity.

As Jupiter begins to move forward again, the emphasis is on material well-being, financial stability, and a deep connection to the natural world. This transit encourages us to cultivate a sense of gratitude for the tangible blessings in our lives, to invest in sustainable endeavors, and to seek growth in the realms of practicality and resourcefulness.

Under this influence, opportunities for financial abundance may appear more frequently, and a steadfast, patient approach to our goals can yield fantastic results. Jupiter’s direct motion in Taurus invites us to ground our visions, embrace the beauty of simplicity, and build a solid foundation for lasting prosperity and fulfillment.

(*Note: This is a longer transit that will be available to us until March 2025)

As December unfolds, these transits invite us to reflect, dream, and embrace change. Whether we’re navigating the challenges of Mercury Retrograde, harnessing the transformative energy of a Winter Solstice, or expanding our horizons with Neptune direct in Pisces, the energy of December 2023 encourages us to evolve and align with the natural rhythms of the universe. 

We may we carry the lessons of these transits as we step into the new year. Use them as guides on your journey of self-discovery and growth.

Navigating November’s Astrological Transits: Saturn Direct, Venus in Libra, Mars Cazimi

As we move into the penultimate month of 2023, the cosmos has some exciting celestial events in store for us. November promises to be a dynamic month, as various energies align to influence our lives in different ways. In this month’s energetic forecast, we’ll explore the most significant astrological aspects and their potential impact on our lives.

Sun Opposite Jupiter - November 3

When the Sun in Scorpio opposes Jupiter in Taurus on November 3, a powerful celestial tug-of-war unfolds in the heavens. This aspect brings together the intensity and depth of Scorpio with the expansive and grounded nature of Taurus. While the Sun in Scorpio seeks profound transformation and delves into the hidden truths, Jupiter in Taurus encourages us to embrace abundance and material well-being. 

This opposition can create a push-pull dynamic, where we may feel the need to balance our desire for profound change with a practical, grounded approach. It’s a reminder to find harmony between our inner, transformative journey and our external, material pursuits, allowing us to strike a balance that supports both our emotional growth and our tangible achievements.

Saturn Direct - November 5

Saturn turning direct on November 5 will offer a sense of relief and progress, as it helps us regain control over our lives and reinforces our commitment to personal growth and achievement. Saturn, the planet of discipline, responsibility, and structure, governs many aspects of our lives, from career and personal goals to life lessons and karmic cycles. This shift often acts as a green light for us to apply the lessons we’ve learned during its retrograde phase and to work steadily toward our long-term goals.

Saturn in Pisces emphasizes the need for structure and responsibility in matters related to intuition, dreams, and the spiritual realm. When Saturn turns direct in any sign, it typically signifies a time for us to apply the discipline and wisdom we’ve gained during its retrograde period. In Pisces, Saturn prompts us to set clear boundaries and realistic goals in our spiritual practices or to face any unresolved emotional issues with a methodical and constructive mindset.

Venus Trine Pluto - November 6

When Venus in Virgo forms a trine aspect with Pluto in Capricorn on November 6, it ignites a potent blend of harmonious, transformative energies in the realms of love, relationships, and personal values. Venus in Virgo is meticulous and detail-oriented, seeking a deep emotional connection through acts of service and devotion. In contrast, Pluto in Capricorn represents profound transformation and empowerment in the material world.

This trine encourages us to dive deep into our relationships, strengthening our bonds through a greater understanding of each other’s needs and desires. It also provides the potential for significant personal growth and empowerment within our partnerships. It’s a time when we can explore our relationships with a keen sense of purpose, nurturing the deeper, transformative aspects of love and reinforcing the foundations of our most meaningful connections. This aspect offers an opportunity for deep emotional healing and a stronger commitment to the values and connections that truly matter.

Venus Enters Libra - November 8

Venus in Libra brings a harmonious and sociable energy to the forefront. This transit encourages a focus on fairness, beauty, and harmony in relationships and aesthetics. You may find yourself more inclined to seek balance and compromise in your interactions, valuing diplomacy and cooperation.

Venus in Libra also tends to enhance a sense of style. You might feel like expressing yourself through fashion and art, as well as seeking out pleasurable and refined experiences. In matters of the heart, this transit promotes a desire for loving and balanced partnerships, making it an excellent time for smoothing over conflicts and appreciating the beauty in both others and the world around us.

Mercury Square Saturn, Enters Sagittarius - November 10

Just as Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 10, it forms a tense square to Saturn in Pisces at 0 degrees. During this transit, the clash between Mercury’s expansive, adventurous thinking and Saturn’s restrictive, disciplined influence creates a tension in communication and mental processes. Mercury in Sagittarius thrives on free-spirited exploration and the pursuit of knowledge, while Saturn in Pisces seeks structure and discipline in the realm of intuition and dreams.

This square can lead to challenges in expressing yourself clearly and may manifest as a sense of frustration in the face of obstacles and limitations. It’s crucial to find a balance between Sagittarius’ thirst for expansion and Pisces’ need for structured introspection, using the tension to stimulate constructive thinking and problem-solving rather than letting it hinder progress. This aspect encourages us to be patient and practical when communicating our ideals and visions, taking measured steps toward achieving our goals while maintaining a sense of optimism and adaptability.

Mars Opposite Uranus - November 11

When Mars in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus on November 11, the cosmos ignites a powerful clash of intense, transformative energies with sudden, disruptive forces. Mars in Scorpio is known for its deep desires, determination, and willingness to explore the profound aspects of life, often bringing intense passions and the desire for control. Uranus in Taurus, on the other hand, is associated with unexpected changes in the material world, which can shake the very foundations of our lives.

This opposition can lead to impulsive actions, unexpected confrontations, and a desire for radical transformation. It’s a time when emotions run high, and conflicts can erupt unexpectedly, challenging us to balance our need for control and transformation with the unpredictability of the external world. To navigate this aspect, it’s essential to channel this intense energy into constructive outlets, remain open to change, and embrace flexibility while avoiding impulsive reactions.

New Moon in Scorpio - November 13

The New Moon in Scorpio on November 13 ushers in a period of profound transformation and renewal. Scorpio is associated with intensity, depth, and regeneration, making this New Moon a potent time for introspection and shedding old, stagnant layers of our lives. It encourages us to dive into the depth of our emotions, confront our fears, and embrace our inner power. It’s a time for setting intentions related to personal growth, emotional healing, and deep, meaningful connections.

The Scorpio New Moon invites us to plant the seeds of transformation, whether in our relationships, career, or personal development, and to do so with unwavering commitment to rising from the ashes of the past, renewed and empowered. It’s a time to embrace the darkness as a precursor to the light and embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth.

Sun Conjunct Mars - November 15

A conjunction between the Sun and Mars (called a cazimi) is an astrological aspect that brings a burst of dynamic energy and assertiveness to the forefront. When these two celestial bodies align, it’s like a meeting of personal identity (Sun) and action and assertion (Mars).

This conjunction infuses us with a heightened sense of ambition and self-confidence, encouraging us to pursue our goals and assert our desires with vigor. It’s a time when our determination and enthusiasm are at their peak, making it an ideal moment to take initiative, make decisions, and tackle challenges head-on. However, this powerful energy should be channeled wisely, as it can also lead to impatience and impulsivity. This aspect can be a driving force for achievements and personal progress if harnessed effectively, making it an auspicious time for boldly pursuing our aspirations and asserting our willpower.

Sun Square Saturn, Sun Enters Scorpio - November 22

Yet again, just as the Sun enters Scorpio today, it will square Saturn in Pisces at 0 degrees. When the Sun in Scorpio forms a square aspect with Saturn in Pisces, a tension arises between Scorpio’s intense desire for transformation and Pisces’ dreamy, sensitive, and often elusive energies.

This aspect may manifest as a feeling of frustration or limitation in our pursuits, and it often prompts us to confront our own inner fears and doubts. While the square can be challenging, it offers the opportunity to build resilience and discipline, helping us navigate through obstacles and emerge wiser, more compassionate, and better equipped to handle life’s demands.

Full Moon in Gemini - November 27

To close out the month, the Full Moon in Gemini is an astrological event that illuminates the skies with the qualities of adaptability, curiosity, and communication. Gemini, the sign ruled by Mercury, is known for its intellectual and versatile nature, and when the Moon reaches its full potential in this sign, it encourages us to be more inquisitive and communicative. This Full Moon on November 27 emphasizes the need to find a balance between our rational minds and our emotional hearts, prompting us to express our thoughts and feelings more openly. It’s a time to gain insight, engage in stimulating conversations, and embrace change by letting go of outdated thought patterns or ways of communicating.

November promises to be a month of profound shifts and transformative energies. Saturn moving direct, Venus entering Libra and the Mars Cazimi all contribute to the cosmic dance we will experience this month, pushing us towards personal growth, deepening relationships, and pursuing our dreams. While the celestial energies may pose challenges, they also offer opportunities for reflection, realignment, and growth. Embrace the wisdom of the stars, and let November be a month of transformation and positive change in your life.

Navigating October’s Astrological Transits: Eclipse Season, Mars in Scorpio and Pluto Direct

As we step into October, the Universe once again unveils multiple opportunities to take advantage of its energy for personal growth. The biggest theme for this month is transformation. 

With Mars in Scorpio, Pluto Direct and Eclipse Season we are being presented with the opportunity to make HUGE strides toward the life and business of our dreams. October promises to be a month filled with catalytic energy, with a number of alignments and transits that will impact us all in an intense way – including the final eclipse season of the year. 

Read on to learn more about the most significant energies of October, exploring their potential effects and the guidance they offer on how to navigate the world we live in.

Mercury Enters Libra - October 4

During this transit there is a greater need for balance, fairness, and harmony in communication. People may find themselves more inclined to consider multiple perspectives before making decisions or engaging in conversations. This is a favorable time for negotiations, as you will tend to be more open to compromise and finding mutually beneficial solutions.

However, there can also be a tendency to overthink and weigh options excessively, which might lead to indecisiveness. It’s essential to strike a balance between considering various viewpoints and taking action when needed.

From now until October 22, the Mercury in Libra transit encourages thoughtful and harmonious communication. But, be aware, this transit may require you to be mindful of not sacrificing your own needs and opinions for the sake of keeping the peace.

Venus Enters Virgo - October 8

When Venus transits through the sign of Virgo, it brings a practical and detail-oriented energy to the themes of love, beauty, and relationships. Virgo is an earth sign known for its precision and attention to detail, and when combined with Venus, the planet of love and aesthetics, it encourages us to focus on the finer points of our relationships and the world around us.

During this transit, we may find ourselves more critical and discerning in matters of the heart, seeking perfection and refinement in our partnerships. It’s a time when we can express love through acts of service, valuing the small everyday moments that make a relationship meaningful.

This transit also highlights our desire for cleanliness, order, and health in our surroundings and personal appearance, as we strive to create harmony and balance in our lives. From now until November 8, Venus in Virgo encourages us to find beauty in the details and to approach love and relationships with a thoughtful and analytical mindset

Pluto Direct - October 10

On October 10, when Pluto transitions from retrograde to direct motion in the sign of Capricorn, we will again go through a profound shift in the way power and transformation are experienced in our lives.

As it emerges from retrograde, the energy of Pluto becomes more outwardly directed, pushing us to confront hidden truths, power struggles, and underlying psychological patterns. In the authoritative sign of Capricorn, this shift may manifest as a potent drive to take control of one’s destiny, break through obstacles, and make sweeping changes in the structures of our lives.

It can also be a time of reckoning, where issues of authority, government, and societal structures are brought to the forefront, potentially leading to significant transformations on both personal and collective levels.

From now until early 2024, when Pluto finally moves into Aquarius for good, we will be encouraged to face our fears, embrace our personal power, and undergo profound transformation in the pursuit of our goals and ambitions.

Mars Enters Scorpio - October 12

When Mars transits through Scorpio, it ignites an intense energy within us. This combination brings forth a deep and passionate drive within us, as Mars is the ancient ruler of Scorpio.

Scorpio is a water sign known for its emotional depth and determination, and when Mars – the planet of action and desire – aligns with it, it intensifies the desire for transformation and power.

This transit can stir up intense emotions, leading to a strong urge to dive into the mysteries of life, confront challenges head-on, and assert your desires with intensity. It’s a time when hidden desires and motivations may come to the surface; a time when you are more willing to take risks to achieve their goals.

While incredibly powerful, this is a transit that requires deep self-awareness to navigate with grace and patience. From now until November 24, embrace the depths of your desires and harness that energy for significant personal growth.

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra - October 14

The new moon solar eclipse in Libra in 2023 promises to bring significant transformation to our lives. As with all eclipses, it is best to let this energy wash over you, rather than to commit to any sort of manifestation practice.

Libra, represented by the scales of justice, is associated with balance, harmony, and partnerships. This eclipse event – the opening to our final eclipse season of 2023 – is poised to create a powerful shift in our relationships, both with others and ourselves, encouraging us to seek equality and fairness.

Eclipses are known for their ability to catalyze change, and in the diplomatic sign of Libra, we may find ourselves reevaluating the give-and-take in our connections, seeking greater equity and understanding. It’s a time to focus on finding middle ground, making amends, and fostering cooperation.

This solar eclipse invites us to reflect on our interpersonal dynamics and start on a journey of growth (noticing a theme here?!), ultimately paving the way for more harmonious connections in the future.

Mercury Enters Scorpio - October 22

When Mercury transits through Scorpio, our thoughts and communication become deeper and more intense. Scorpio, the sign of depth, passion, and investigation, influences Mercury’s usual witty and analytical nature.

During this transit, conversations tend to become more focused on uncovering hidden truths; there is a depth to them that may not always be available to us. You may be more inclined to explore complex topics, seeking to understand what lies beneath the surface.
This transit encourages introspection, making it an ideal time for deep self-reflection and psychological exploration. Coming off the heels of Mercury Retrograde, it might be the perfect time to review what you’ve accomplished since Mercury went last month.

However, be mindful of the potential for communication to become more manipulative or intense. From now until November 21, Mercury in Scorpio invites us to dig beneath the surface and communicate with a heightened sense of intuition and emotional depth.

Sun Enters Scorpio - October 23

When the Sun transits through Scorpio, it ushers in a period of intensity and transformation. There sure does seem to be a lot of Scorpio energy this month – I hope you’re ready for deep conversations, intense drive and a lot of *ish* to arrive from below the surface. Scorpio doesn’t play games, and as the Sun joins Mercury and Mars, we’re given the opportunity to ask ourselves:

“If what I could accomplish in this life was truly unlimited, what would I commit to?”

Scorpio’s energy encourages us to dig beneath the surface, embrace our inner strength, and shed what no longer serves us, ultimately leading to personal growth and empowerment. It’s a time when secrets may come to light, and the truth may be revealed, fostering both vulnerability and resilience in those most affected by the Sun’s transit through Scorpio (fixed Sun/Moon/Rising signs and Water Sun/Moon/Rising signs, for the most part).

One of the most fascinating things about Scorpio season, in my mind, is that it aligns almost perfectly with Sahmain (Halloween) and Dia de los Muertos. People often become more introspective during this time and focus on matters of life, death, and rebirth. The veil is thin and we, energetically, reach between this world and the next.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus - October 28

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on October 28 rounds out a powerful month and brings, yet again, a potent and transformative energy to our lives. Taurus, an earth sign ruled by Venus, represents stability, material comforts, and our values. When a Lunar Eclipse occurs in Taurus, it signifies a time of significant change and evolution in these areas. 

This eclipse invites us to reevaluate our financial matters, material possessions, and what we truly value in life. It can prompt us to release attachments to materialism and seek a deeper, more meaningful connection to our resources and the Earth. 

Our emotions during this time may be intense as the eclipse illuminates our desires and urges us to confront any attachments or insecurities related to our possessions. It’s a powerful period for personal growth, financial restructuring, and discovering a more authentic sense of self-worth and values.

Are you curious how you are directly impacted by these transits? Use code KIND15 to get 15% your personal astrology reading. Book here today!

Navigating September’s Astrological Transits: Jupiter Retrograde, New Moon in Virgo and Libra Season

As we approach September 2023, the stage is set to unveil a magical dance of astrological energies that promise both challenges and opportunities. In addition to the astrological energies at play, we’re also beginning to see just the smallest hints that Pitta season is winding down (cooler evenings, thank GOODNESS!).

When the Ayurvedic seasons shift, our bodies begin to feel the instability in the outside world. Now is the perfect time to lean into your routines and daily habits for self-care; the end of Pitta season is like one big hurrah which can often leave us all feeling burnt out from all that excess heat.

The biggest influence of the month is Mercury Retrograde in Virgo. Most people fear this time of year – as communication and technology tend to go haywire – but what if we reclaimed it as a useful time? A time to slow down, reflect and give ourselves the space to cultivate those self-care routines in a way that actually serves us?

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo (August 23-September 15)

Mercury, the planet of communication and technology, is notorious for its retrograde seasons, which are often associated with misunderstanding, tech glitches, and travel mishaps.

If you didn’t read last month’s Energy Forecast, here’s what you can expect for Mercury Retrograde.

The post-shadow period lasts until September 30, so we will be feeling this energy through the entire month of September, as well.

Venus Direct in Leo (September 3)

After a long and somewhat frustrating retrograde period, Venus stations direct in Leo today. What did you learn about what you need – and value – in relationships? How can you take those nuggets of information and put them to good use now? You deserve to be treated as the Queen/King/Royal you are.

Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus (September 4-December 3)

Starting September 4, Jupiter, the planet associated with growth and expansion, will station retrograde in the grounded and stable sign of Taurus. This event signals a time of introspection and reassessment, particularly as it relates to material abundance, stability, and personal values.

Taurus, an earth sign known for its practicality, will influence Jupiter’s energy and ask us to focus on the more tangible and grounded aspects of life. You might find yourself reconsidering your financial strategies (like a budget!), wanting to enhance your sense of security, and reevaluating your personal beliefs.

This period encourages a slow and patient approach to growth, urging us to reflect on our ambitions and solidify our plans before pushing forward with renewed vigor when Jupiter stations direct in early December.

New Moon in Virgo (September 14)

The New Moon in Virgo brings an opportunity for fresh beginnings and a renewed focus on self-improvement. Virgo’s meticulous nature can guide us to set realistic goals and refine our daily routines. This is an excellent time to start projects related to health, organization, and personal growth.

Sun enters Libra (September 23)

The Sun in Libra brings with it the energy of balance, harmony, and refined aesthetics. During this season, the energy of the Sun is infused with the qualities of Libra, emphasizing the importance of partnerships, equity, and diplomacy.

The Sun’s presence in Libra fosters in all of us a desire for cooperation, encouraging open-mindedness and the ability to see multiple different perspectives at once. Libra Season inspires us to participate in creative endeavors and to cultivate connections that enhance both our personal lives and the world around us.

Full Moon in Aries (September 29)

On September 29, the Full Moon moves into the fiery realm of Aries, igniting the night sky with its intense energy. Aries, a sign characterized by its assertiveness, infuses this Full Moon with a surge of motivation and a call to action.

Under the influence of Aries, emotions run high, encouraging us to embrace our passions and embark on new beginnings with uninhibited enthusiasm. This Full Moon invites us to shed the old and embrace the new, pushing us to step out of our comfort zones and take risks that align with our authentic desires.

As the light of the moon illuminates the warrior spirit of Aries, it serves as a reminder that every challenge presents us with an opportunity for growth, and every obstacle can be conquered with the right amount of passion and determination. It’s a time to channel our inner courage and forge ahead courageously, guided by the Aries Full Moon

September 2023 presents a number of astrological energies that invite us to embrace change, introspection, and growth. By understanding and working with these influences, we can navigate the month with heightened awareness and make the most of the opportunities that come our way.

Whether it’s through resolving conflicts, setting new intentions, or diving into our emotions, the energy that surrounds us offers a rich opportunity for growth and expansion.

Learning the Dance of Destiny

I believe that destiny is a combination— a delicate dance, if you will— of fate and free will.
A year or so ago, a client and I were discussing the concept of fate and free will, and the notion that we are meant to co-create our life with Spirit.

A metaphor came to mind, as they often do. If you know me, then you know I love a good metaphor.

“Think of google maps,” I said. “When you put in a location of where you want to go, it often offers you multiple routes to choose from. One with tolls, one with a scenic view, one with the fastest time. It gives you a choice of how you want to proceed.”

Maybe you decide you want to enjoy the trip, so you pick the scenic byway. You leave early so you have enough time. You start off enjoying the road, the views, the animals on the cliffs, and the slow pace up the winding hills. However, when you get three hours in, you realize you misread a sign a couple miles back, and the road ahead is closed (google maps hasn’t updated yet). In order to get to your destination, you’ll have to turn around, retrace your steps back to the main road and reroute. The new route, while it delays your trip and you’re not able to make the dinner reservation at the spot you have been waiting months for, takes you past the most incredible waterfall. “Not what I was expecting,” you think, “but this is so beautiful. I would have missed this if I hadn’t missed that sign.” It’s so off the beaten path that it feels like a piece of paradise, carved out just for you. It’s now dinner time and you’re starving.You pull over at the next restaurant you find, and sit down to eat at the bar next to a man in a blue cap that ends up being your future husband.

Or maybe you choose the fast route because you got stuck at the grocery store and lost of track of time, and you need to get there in time to make the dinner reservation. Driving down the highway, listening to the best music, you think, “Wow. I am having the time of my life.” Suddenly, sirens go off behind you. You look down to check the speedometer to make sure you’re going the speed limit. You are. Frustrated and upset as you pull off the road, you don’t see the nail that pops your tire. You might have made it on time before, but you are definitely going to miss your reservation now. The highway patrol begins to walk towards your car as you’re rolling down your window, wondering what could possibly go wrong next. “Did you know that your tail light is out, miss?” Your forehead hits the steering wheel, and you think, “just my luck.” Then, he notices that your tire is starting to deflate, and offers you a sympathetic smile. Tears running down your face, he lets you off with a warning. “I’ll call the tow truck, too,” he offers, letting you know that you should have the mechanic in the next town fix it along with your tires. After the tow truck arrives about an hour or so later, it takes you to the local repair shop. Inside you notice there’s someone else who has also had car troubles, a man in a blue cap who you bond with in mutual exasperation. After chatting for awhile he asks, “Any change you want to grab dinner near by?” He seems kind and friendly, and you feel drawn to him despite feeling like an utter mess. “Sure,” you think, “might as well.” It turns out this is the man you end up marrying.

Part of you wonders, “Hmmm, what would have happened if I took a different route?””
The truth is, whatever route we choose in life, there are going to be unexpected blessings, and unfortunate, inconvenient, and sometimes heartbreaking accidents.
There are certain, fated experiences that each of us must move through on a soul level. The detour. Meeting your future partner.

Fate is what happens in our life.
Free-will is the intentions we set and how we respond.
Destiny is the divine-unfolding of life, thus, a combination of the two. We don’t get a choice in the cards that we’re dealt but we do get to choose the way we meet them.

an asphalt road in the desert
The journey is our choice

I like to think that we each have a series of checkpoints our soul must move through our path of self-discovery, personal freedom, and growth. There are certain experiences in our lives that are fated.

We may believe that choosing differently may change the outcome, but in the end we will always end up where we are meant to be. Choosing a different route does not mean we can always control what is meant to happen.

We do, however, have the opportunity to decide how we want to navigate through it all. I believe our greatest tool to do so with confidence and ease is our intuition, the gentle and calm inner knowing that lives in our heart and our gut. 

Maybe, instead of missing a sign, getting pulled over, or getting a flat tire, we notice a gentle pulse in our being saying “take a different route” when we pass a sign for a beautiful waterfall and a small, quaint town with the best local burger (the restaurant we were always meant to end up).

woman looking at sunset

Through trial and error, I have learned that the more we take time and create space to listen to our intuition, the stronger and clearer our intuition is and the more we trust it.

When doubt creeps in, I remind myself that I can’t make a wrong choice, what is meant for me will always find me, and I get to define my perspective of life and how I relate to it.

There’s a very human part of me that will likely always experience some type of apprehension and fear when it comes to life, and the unknowns that stretch out before me.

I have been through enough car crashes, driven along enough sketchy mountain roads, and had the rug ripped out from under me enough times, to never want to experience them again. For a long time, I figured there had to be a better way to navigate life, one where I could avoid more terrifying and life-altering experiences. 

I tried to calculate, assess, and avoid to no avail. My worry, anguish, and stress, while understandable, did not change anything. They only increased the feeling that I was failing and participating in my own tragedy. I thought I was choosing wrong. I believed I was to blame.

I was not.

Our most important tools

We are not responsible or at fault for the awful, heartwrenching, tragic, and traumatic things that happen. While in the moment we might crave an answer, a reason, or even sink into blame, regret and what if, there is nothing we could have done to avoid fate. In these places, it is so important to sit with and to take care of ourselves in whatever way we need. This is our choice. This is our free-will and this is where we reclaim our power and agency.

We are not and were never the designer of misfortune in our lives. 

So now, I hold space for the human emotions that arise when fate crosses my path with support of tools that remind me of my free-will, that allow me to dance with fate and participate in creating my destiny.

I collect tools to help me do so including Reiki, movement, tarot, therapy, friends, meditation, affirmations, and journaling. However my favorite by far is my intuition and all of the other tools lead me back to it. 

Our intuition as is our greatest asset. It allows us to know what we really want to choose. It is the voice of the soul self. So, when we encounter new and unfamiliar terrain, we know how we want to navigate it.

When I ignore my intuition and mistrust, I move through my checkpoints feeling completely out of control. So utterly helpless. It just made the experiences worse. I felt like I was constantly playing catch up and trying to avoid whatever unfortunate event showed up on my path next. I missed the flowers. I missed the sunsets. I missed the unexpected, hidden waterfalls. I didn’t even go out in search of them as I do now.

I had forgotten my free-will. I did not know I could listen or connect to what felt safe, right, and best, and then intuitively choose. I had decided that I could not be trusted. It turns out, that was one of the most important checkpoints I have ever moved through. It brought me here.

From it, I learned that my life is both in my control and it is not. I learned and continue to learn that when I invest in loving and trusting myself, I feel better and happier.

I discovered my ability to relate, connect, love, and shift my perspective of life to one that constantly takes me into a deeper relationship with myself no matter how much I might really hate the experience at the time.

And they say that the opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s indifference.

The times I hated it (and still hate it), the times that my ego screams at the growth, frustrated, pissed, angry, raging, indignent, and throwing a full on temper tantrum, I was transformed into who I am today. 

I fought and surrendered for her.

I love her.

The more I trust her, the more confident I am in my ability to face these fated moments head on, knowing that they will be moments of personal growth and expansion.

Each day, I am given a new road map. I listen to myself and my intuition and I choose what I want to do. Where do I want to go? Do I really need to go there? If the answer is yes, which route should I take?

I cultivate and pursue deep and radical honesty. Underneath, I find a soul-freeing transparency of what I really need so that I can trust my yes, my no, and my wait.

I listen. I rest. I do. I move. I pause. I keep going.

(Remember: every one of those words is an active verb, something we choose to do).

rainbow on cloudless sly in nature
Finding your Destiny

Each person’s road map is going to be different. Each person’s roadblocks and reroutes are going to be different. Each person’s choices are going to be different.

We always get to define our experience of fate. We get to choose to consciously relate to it or skate by it and wake up realizing we’ve missed the beauty and the rawness of life all in the hopes of avoiding discomfort and pain.

We get to actively engage in our lives and dance with it. The more we do, the more free we will feel. The more we will realize we are crafting our own destiny.

Destiny = fate + free-will.

I believe life is about finding the freedom in the balance of what we can control and what we cannot.

We have the opportunity to craft a deep and unbreakable relationship with ourselves and our souls so that we know we are constantly making the next best, most authentic, intuitive, soulful and honest choices. So that we trust that life is unfolding exactly as it’s meant to even when it does not feel like it. So that we always have our own back.

“Spirit, grant me the serenity to change what I cannot accept, accept what I cannot change, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Two Full Moons, Venus Cazimi and Mercury Retrograde

This month, there’s a lot of focus on the courage it takes to chase our dreams and actualize a life that embodies them. The push and pull of the way we perceive our strengths and weaknesses often keeps us in a type of limbo; often diminishing our strengths and augmenting our perceived weaknesses.

What if we tapped into the heart-centered energy of Leo and embraced the possibility that we are much more capable than we imagine ourselves to be?

August 1 - Full Moon in Aquarius

Full Moons are a time of culmination and release. Many people participate in rituals like placing their crystals outside under the moonlight, placing a glass of water outside and then consuming it the next day in order to heighten the energy of the experience, or participating in an intention-setting ritual.

Whatever you choose to do, it’s important to remember that the energy of each Full Moon shifts, depending on the zodiac sign. Today, the Full Moon is in Aquarius, asking us to focus on how we feel when we are in community. Aquarius is the sign of AI, technology, and innovation. And right now there’s a whole lot of uncertainty surrounding these experiences – and how they fit into the human experience.

Tonight, set your intentions for how you want to integrate and interact with these quickly shifting tools. What will you use them for? How are they of benefit to the community you want to cultivate around you? And how can you release the bits that *don’t* work for you, without feeling like you’re falling behind?

August 7 - Moon in Aries Square Pluto in Capricorn

A tense aspect that brings up the under-belly of our emotions. With the Moon square Pluto, deep, hidden emotions are being exposed. As a transit, this will impact everyone in some way, perhaps leading to some misunderstandings and heightened emotions. This is especially potent because the Moon in Aries can lead to us all having a shorter fuse than normal. The task is to remember that each person is experiencing life through their own lens: AKA don’t take everything so personally.

Today is a great day for Shadow Work … IF you’re willing to confront the things that have been buried deep. If you’re not ready, you might find yourself getting extra frustrated or upset. The ultimate goal is to find self-compassion, regardless of the outcome of your experience.

August 13 - Sun Conjunct Venus in Leo (Venus Cazimi)

Each of the planets has a moment once a year called a “cazimi”; a time when they meet the Sun in the same constellation in the sky. This is an especially magical moment, as the Sun is thought to extend its energy and traits to whichever planet it is meeting at that time, heightening the energy of that planet at that moment.

Because Venus will be retrograde this year during its cazimi, there’s an extra emphasis on this being a time to focus on your heart, as retrogrades are a time to focus inward. The heart chakra energy is represented by the Sun and, in some ways, also Venus.

Today is a fantastic day to focus on YOUR dreams and desires; YOUR confidence and self-expression. What do you want to bring to life? With both of these planets in Leo, the sky’s the limit.

August 16 - New Moon in Leo

New Moon’s are a time of reflection; planting seeds for a new cycle to begin. This New Moon almost feels like a continuation of the Venus cazimi energy we just felt 3 days ago.

There’s a real sense that dreams are coming to the surface to be actualized – if we just have the courage to take the first step.

August 22 - Mars Opposite Neptune

Just as we are given the confidence and desire to start chasing our dreams, the cosmos put up a stop sign. Mars opposite Neptune could cause a roadblock to pop up in pursuit of the things we JUST found the courage to leap into.

Don’t get discouraged. Remember, everything worth pursuing will cause some resistance. When we remain true to ourselves and our desires, and tenaciously pursue that which is for our highest good, the stumbling blocks will almost always feel more manageable.

August 23 - Sun Enters Virgo, Mercury Retrograde

Having the courage to take the first step is just the beginning. As the Sun enters Virgo, we are now given the energy to support us in planning the rest of the journey. Virgo’s practical, exacting nature gives us the tools we need to get started.

Also on this date, the dreaded Mercury Retrograde begins! We’ve been feeling its impacts for a while now, as the retrograde has been in its shadow phase. Retrograde periods, while they do cause some frustration, are truly meant to be a time for reflection and introspection.

In Virgo (and during Virgo season!), there’s going to be more of an emphasis on creating routines and structures that work for YOU, regardless of what other people may be doing. Be gentle, you might have to do a lot of experimenting before you land on something that feels right.

August 28 - Uranus Retrograde

Uranus has been going back and forth in Taurus for a long time, creating instability and unexpected surprises for our society around finances, resources, and our relationship to the material. With Uranus in retrograde, expect the instability to heighten. Not to say that we should all be doomsday prepping – by no means do I want to impress fear upon you – that’s not what Astrology is for, IMO.

Rather, expect the unexpected – particularly from those who aren’t aware of the energy that surrounds them. Your task during this time is to learn to ride the waves of uncertainty, do what you can to keep your feet on solid ground, and tune out the instability and discord that feels like unnecessary noise.

August 30 - Full Moon in Pisces

The second Full Moon of the month gives us the opportunity to come to terms with the dreams that have been swirling in our minds this month.

As the sign of distraction and confusion, Pisces can sometimes cloud our judgment – especially when it comes to how we see ourselves.

With the Full Moon in Pisces, the number one thing to focus on is: How do the perceptions I have of myself and my abilities hinder me from chasing my dreams? Can I cultivate more self-compassion and awareness in order to find the courage to go after the life of my dreams?

Navigating July’s Astrological Transits: Full Moon in Capricorn, a Nodal Shift and Venus Retrograde

We’ve finally reached the second half of the calendar year and summer is in full swing! This month, we’ll be contending with lots of Leo and Virgo energy. The former the sign of great rulers where confidence and creativity abounds, the second a more quiet and auster sign that is quietly keeping things together in the background.

Two seemingly opposing energies co-existing in the cosmos and providing us with the ultimate lesson: When things feel like they are seemingly moving in two opposite directions, how do we meet in the middle?

*Note: These are not all the transits in July, just the main energies that will be crossing the sky.

July 3 - Full Moon in Capricorn

The Full Moon in Capricorn is asking you, “What have I accomplished?” As the most tenacious and ambitious sign in the zodiac, when the full moon is in Capricorn we are given the extra boost of motivation we need to bring any projects we have been working on to a close.

As full moons are a time of completion, you may want to reflect on what you have and have not accomplished over the last six months (since the New Moon in Capricorn back in January). Does a theme emerge here? What can you learn about yourself as you study the projects that have given you life and the ones that have drained it?

Head into the next six months with a better sense of this and you’ll be sure to find success.

July 10 - Mars Enters Virgo, Mercury Opposes Pluto

With Mars entering Virgo today, our passion projects and aggressive pursuits begin to slow down. The cautious and exacting nature of Virgo can seem to conflict with the quick and aggressive nature of Mars, but bring them together and you might see an extra boost of ambition in a more practical and precise way.

On the same day, Mercury – the planet of communication, comprehension and commerce – makes a tense aspect to Pluto – the generational planet of transformation and shadows. Be mindful of this transit, as there may be a tendency to speak more aggressively or thoughtlessly during this time. At the same time, if you are willing, this can be a powerful day for shadow work, where the mysteries of the subconscious may become more available for you to process.

July 11 - Mercury Enters Leo

Just a few hours after Mercury and Pluto oppose one another in the sky, the Messenger planet moves into Leo. Expect communication to take on a more feisty and blunt nature in this fixed fire sign. We will feel more bold in our expression and courageous in the way we communicate with others during this time.

July 17 - New Moon in Cancer, North Node Enters Aries/South Node Enters Libra

New moons signal a new cycle is beginning. The darkest night of the 28-day cycle is the perfect time to reflect on the last cycle and plant seeds for the new.

In Cancer, you may be focused on tending to matters of home and family. Reflecting on what makes you feel most safe and nurtured is an excellent theme for this New Moon.

On the same day, the Nodal Axis of the Moon shifts. This is an auspicious time when karma begins to shift its focus. Over the next 18~ months, we will collectively ask the question, “How can I balance the needs of me vs. we?”

Anyone born between 4/5/86 and 12/1/87 will be experiencing their nodal return for the next 1.5 years. Buckle up, it’s time to answer the call of your Highest Self! Anything less will be challenged and discarded.

July 22 - Venus Retrograde, Sun Enters Leo

From now until October, Lady Luck is going retrograde in Leo. In the sign of child-like joy, confidence and creativity we’re being asked to reflect on how much value we place on the simple moments of our lives. As a planet with slower energy in general, this will be an especially auspicious time to reflect on your self-confidence, particularly as it relates to how you show up in relationships. Are there parts of yourself that you are hiding? Now is the time to prepare so that, come fall, you’ll exude confidence.

On the same day, the Sun comes barrelling into its home sign of Leo – hello, Main Character Energy! With Venus Retrograde in the same sign, there may be a bit of friction this year, but in general, most of us will get an extra boost of fun, creativity and confidence for the next 30 days.

July 23 - Chiron Retrograde

The Wounded Healer goes retrograde in Aries. Arguably the most sensitive sign when it comes to criticism, especially from others, this transit is asking us to reflect on how we might take things a little too personally – and what we can do to find safety in the moments where we’re feeling “attacked”.

July 28 - Mercury Enters Virgo

In preparation for its 3rd Retrograde of the year, Mercury enters the sign it will occupy until early October. Virgo is the most self-critical of the signs and, as a Mercury-ruled sign, there might be moments where we find ourselves falling back into negative self-talk over the next few months.

If you’re a Virgo Sun, Moon or Rising, this transit is most assuredly an opportunity to get very honest with yourself – what will it take to find the self-compassion you desire?

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