
Navigating June’s Astrological Transits: Venus Square Jupiter, Sun Square Neptune, and Cancer Season

· June 2023 Energetic Forecast ·

May, 26, 2023
scenic starry sky over tree silhouettes

Change is coming… are you ready? This month, we are faced with multiple transits that are challenging our patience, courage, and tenacity. At some points being asked to slow down and take a breather, at other times being asked to embrace quick shifts in energy and circumstances.

But isn’t that life, really? Always feeling like we have to prepare for the uncertain, but in the end, only being able to do the best we can with what we have available to us.

If that sounds a little down-hearted, I’m not meaning it to be. Yes, things are always changing. But what doesn’t have to change is how we respond to what we are faced with.

Note, these are not all of the transits that are happening this month, but the ones I believe will be most impactful on us.

June 2-3 – Venus Trine Neptune

This aspect is one that will make us all feel more generous, compassionate, and selfless. In two Water signs, especially, you may be feeling more nostalgic during this time. Note that your relationships may benefit during this transit, especially now that Mercury is slowly moving out of retrograde and our communication is able to feel more productive and clear.

One downside of Neptune in Pisces is that we often feel a lack of motivation; we’d rather have our head in the clouds than our nose to the grindstone. And that’s ok. Our society is so hyper-focused on productivity and action, every second of the day. It’s important to slow down every once in a while. And this transit is asking us to do that.

What planets do you have in Pisces or Cancer? This may tell you how this transit will impact you.

June 4-5 – Mercury Conjunct Uranus in Taurus

Flashes of insight. Downloads seemingly out of nowhere. A quick wit and an even quicker decision-making process. When these two planets of the mind join, our creativity and thought-processes are on overdrive!

Be mindful of the desire for impulsive decisions. You *might* feel like there are too many opinions living in your head “rent free” at the moment, making it difficult to discern the decision that may be in your best interest.

It might be best to take an “advice detox” over the next few days so you can get in touch with what YOU really want. Especially because, just as your brain is quick right now, so is your tongue. Eek.

Where is Taurus in your astrology chart? What house rules this sign? It might give you some clues about what you might be over-analyzing at the moment. Take a deep breath and give yourself some time … it will all work out.

June 5-6 – Venus Opposed Pluto

You may feel like you’re having trouble expressing yourself in your relationships over the next two days. There is a veil of secrecy with Pluto that makes feeling safe and secure a little elusive right now. Don’t take it personally – and don’t take it out on the people around you.

Guard your energy over the next few days, as any tense aspects of Venus and Pluto could bring out those energy vampires (you know who I’m talking about). Know your worth, stand your ground, and trust your instincts. Just don’t get so wrapped up in conflict with the people already in your sphere that you burn something to the ground before it’s even had a chance to sprout.

If any of your Big 3 (Sun, Moon, Rising) are in a Fixed Sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius); you might be more impacted by this transit.

June 9-10 – Mercury Sextile Neptune

This is the first of many transits this month that is basically telling us all to slow tf down and smell the roses. If you thought Taurus Season was for luxuriating, just wait for the next two weeks.

Neptune is the planet of dreams and spirituality, while Mercury represents our thoughts and how we communicate them with the world. You might find that your dreams take more form during this transit, or that you are more curious about what chasing them might actually mean for you.

You’ll also, most likely, feel an extra boost of compassion and empathy when interacting with others during this transit.

June 10-12 – Venus Square Jupiter

Of all the tense aspects in astrology (squares and oppositions), Venus Square Jupiter is, perhaps, the easiest to learn and grow from. That’s because these two planets are generally the most good-natured and happy-go-lucky of the zodiac.

That’s not to say it’s all sunshine and rainbows. The one downside to this square is that we may feel an intense lack of motivation. Which is not necessarily a bad thing, unless you have a deadline.

But that’s where preparing for this transit comes into play. What can you do right now to prepare for those days when you know you may not have as much energy?

Those with prominent Venus and/or Jupiter placements (for example Taurus, Libra, Pisces, or Sagittarius Rising) might find this transit especially impactful.

June 18-19 – Sun Square Neptune

Take it slow over the next two days. Just as the Universe has given you the gift of taking your time over the last 10 days or so, you’ll now see that in slowing down you were able to identify some things in your life that might need a tune up.

Perhaps your ego took a bruising when you slowed down long enough to see that yes, in fact, you are the problem with a situation that’s been plaguing you for some time.

It can be very easy to get down on yourself during this time, as our ego (Sun) is making a tense aspect to our compassion (Neptune). But just because you’ve identified that you need to make some changes doesn’t mean you’re a failure, friend.

It’s ok to wallow in a little bit of self pity, but remember, you have what it takes to get back on track.

June 20 – Cancer Season Begins

June 25 – Mercury Square Neptune

It’s time to “dream the impossible dream” (any Broadway fans out there?!) WIth this transit, there is almost a suspension of reality. While our thoughts might feel hazy or confused, we are being asked to open our eyes to ideas and inspiration that may have felt out of reach until now.

It’s a great day to dream without making any plans, as Neptune can sometimes cloud our judgment. What would be possible if we opened our minds and asked, “What’s in here waiting to be unleashed”?

June 25-27 – Mars Square Uranus

Have you ever heard of a quick-change before? It’s the concept – in the theater world – of a person doing a quick outfit change from one scene to the next. It usually happens at lightning speed and is something that must be rehearsed multiple times in order to ensure nothing goes wrong.

That’s kind of how I see this Mars Square Uranus transit. If you jump too fast, you might be running out on stage half-naked. On the other hand, if you’re not fast enough you’ll miss your entrance and the entire show could go sideways. Yikes.

While this can feel like an intense transit, I think the idea of “practicing” is what we are meant to take away from this.

Change and innovation is good – and absolutely necessary for our growth. But we need to practice our “change muscle” in order to get to a place where we are ready to accept and grow with the changes we are often faced with during difficult times.

Where is Mars in your birth chart? This could point to how you view motivation and change – and the techniques you could use to embrace them with excitement rather than fear.

June 28-29 – Sun Trine Saturn

Being halfway through the year (and at the end of Q2 for those of us in the business world), this transit is a beautiful time to evaluate all that you have accomplished in the first 6 months of the year… and to plan for the last 6. Saturn is the planet of hard work and long-term planning. The Sun is shining as a supporting actor to Saturn’s starring role during this time.

June 30 – Mercury Trine Saturn, Sun Sextile Jupiter

Mercury Trine Saturn is a good aspect for conveying any difficult or serious news. Because the planet of communication and comprehension is touching the planet of long-term goals, this could also be an excellent day to extend the planning and reflection you did the previous two days and – perhaps – fill them out your ideas a little bit.

Do these goals excite you? Make you light up with enthusiasm? The Sun Sextile Jupiter transit is bringing a bit more ease and expansion to the Mercury/Saturn transit.


  • Meaghan Dunham

    Meaghan Dunham (she/her) is an Intuitive Business Coach, currently living in Charlotte, NC (Sugaree and Catawba land). With a masters in education, 5+ years as a corporate marketer, and lifetimes of experience studying the ancient modalities of Astrology, Ayurveda and Yoga; Meaghan decided to marry all of her passions together to help visionary female entrepreneurs develop the skills necessary to build successful businesses free from burn-out. Her steadfast dedication to her clients helps to not only transform the success of a business, but also the mindset of the person running that business. In her free time, you can find Meaghan exploring Charlotte (and beyond!) with her partner, Dan, and their sassy rescue pup, Meela.

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