
Navigating March’s Astrological Transits

· March 2024 Energetic Forecast ·

Feb, 26, 2024
lunar eclipse

Just as February was an exploration of the energy of Aquarius, March will be all about Pisces. The sign of compassion, dreams and intuition brings us multiple opportunities to confront the subconscious beliefs that may be holding us back by keeping us in the liminal space. The axis of Pisces and Virgo forces us to reckon with our inner critic, both the one that is speaking to us on a daily basis (Virgo) and the one that is hidden beneath layers and layers of lived experience (Pisces).

From the sensitive New Moon in Pisces to the impactful conjunctions and trines shaping the energy around us, read on to discover how you will be impacted this month. 

Note: This is not an exhaustive list of transits this month, just the ones that I felt were most impactful. If you’d like to know where Pisces is in your Birth Chart, you can look up your free chart here. If you need help interpreting it, book a reading with me. Don’t forget to use the code KIND15 for 15% off!

March 10: New Moon in Pisces

Our journey begins with the New Moon in Pisces, an event marked by the sun and moon aligning in the same zodiac sign. This phase symbolizes fresh beginnings and is a great time to set intentions for the lunar cycle ahead. Pisces, with its ethereal energy, encourages introspection, making this a perfect moment for spiritual reflection and setting intentions aligned with compassion and creativity.

March 16-18: Sun Conjunct Neptune in Pisces

As the Sun aligns with Neptune in Pisces, a mystical energy rules the skies. Neptune, the planet of dreams and intuition, amplifies our imaginative capacity. This period is characterized by heightened sensitivity and a profound connection to the unseen realms. It’s essential to balance the ethereal with the tangible, ensuring that our creative visions are grounded in reality.

March 19: Aries Season – Happy Astrological New Year!

With the arrival of Aries season, the astrological new year commences. With the Sun now in Aries, a fire sign ruled by Mars, we will all feel a surge of dynamic energy. The next 30 days encourage assertiveness, courage, and the initiation of new endeavors. Harness the pioneering spirit of Aries to embark on ventures that align with your authentic self.

March 21-22: Venus Conjunct Saturn in Pisces, Sun in Aries Trine Pluto in Aquarius

Mid-month presents two quick transits. Venus joins forces with Saturn in Pisces, emphasizing themes of love and commitment. Simultaneously, the Sun in Aries forms a harmonious trine with Pluto in Aquarius, infusing transformative energies. This alignment prompts a balance between ambition and measured progress, urging us to channel our determination toward meaningful and sustainable goals.

March 24-25: Venus in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus

Love and abundance take center stage as Venus in Pisces forms a harmonious sextile with Jupiter in Taurus. This transit fosters a sense of harmony in relationships and an appreciation for life’s pleasures. It’s an auspicious time to indulge in aesthetic pursuits, enjoy the finer things in life, and nurture connections that bring joy and fulfillment.

March 25: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra

The month concludes with a celestial spectacle – a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra. Eclipses signify potent portals for transformation, and Libra’s influence emphasizes balance and relationships. This event encourages us to release outdated patterns, fostering equilibrium and personal growth. Reflect on your connections and find equilibrium in your emotional landscape as you navigate this transformative lunar eclipse.

The celestial transits of February 2024 call us to contemplate the delicate influence of Piscean energy in our daily lives. Each alignment, from the dreamy New Moon in Pisces to the first eclipse of the year, offers a unique opportunity for introspection and growth. 

As we align ourselves with these transits, we gain valuable insights into the underlying energies shaping our existence. It’s a time for deliberate reflection, for setting intentions that resonate with the energy of the cosmos, and for acknowledging the potential impact on our individual and collective journeys. May this exploration of the cosmos deepen your understanding of its tapestry, fostering a connection to the profound wisdom found in the movements of the stars.


  • Meaghan Dunham

    Meaghan Dunham (she/her) is an Intuitive Business Coach, currently living in Charlotte, NC (Sugaree and Catawba land). With a masters in education, 5+ years as a corporate marketer, and lifetimes of experience studying the ancient modalities of Astrology, Ayurveda and Yoga; Meaghan decided to marry all of her passions together to help visionary female entrepreneurs develop the skills necessary to build successful businesses free from burn-out. Her steadfast dedication to her clients helps to not only transform the success of a business, but also the mindset of the person running that business. In her free time, you can find Meaghan exploring Charlotte (and beyond!) with her partner, Dan, and their sassy rescue pup, Meela.

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