
Navigating November’s Astrological Transits: Saturn Direct, Venus in Libra, Mars Cazimi

· November 2023 Energetic Forecast ·

Oct, 27, 2023
solar eclipse through clouds

As we move into the penultimate month of 2023, the cosmos has some exciting celestial events in store for us. November promises to be a dynamic month, as various energies align to influence our lives in different ways. In this month’s energetic forecast, we’ll explore the most significant astrological aspects and their potential impact on our lives.

Sun Opposite Jupiter - November 3

When the Sun in Scorpio opposes Jupiter in Taurus on November 3, a powerful celestial tug-of-war unfolds in the heavens. This aspect brings together the intensity and depth of Scorpio with the expansive and grounded nature of Taurus. While the Sun in Scorpio seeks profound transformation and delves into the hidden truths, Jupiter in Taurus encourages us to embrace abundance and material well-being. 

This opposition can create a push-pull dynamic, where we may feel the need to balance our desire for profound change with a practical, grounded approach. It’s a reminder to find harmony between our inner, transformative journey and our external, material pursuits, allowing us to strike a balance that supports both our emotional growth and our tangible achievements.

Saturn Direct - November 5

Saturn turning direct on November 5 will offer a sense of relief and progress, as it helps us regain control over our lives and reinforces our commitment to personal growth and achievement. Saturn, the planet of discipline, responsibility, and structure, governs many aspects of our lives, from career and personal goals to life lessons and karmic cycles. This shift often acts as a green light for us to apply the lessons we’ve learned during its retrograde phase and to work steadily toward our long-term goals.

Saturn in Pisces emphasizes the need for structure and responsibility in matters related to intuition, dreams, and the spiritual realm. When Saturn turns direct in any sign, it typically signifies a time for us to apply the discipline and wisdom we’ve gained during its retrograde period. In Pisces, Saturn prompts us to set clear boundaries and realistic goals in our spiritual practices or to face any unresolved emotional issues with a methodical and constructive mindset.

Venus Trine Pluto - November 6

When Venus in Virgo forms a trine aspect with Pluto in Capricorn on November 6, it ignites a potent blend of harmonious, transformative energies in the realms of love, relationships, and personal values. Venus in Virgo is meticulous and detail-oriented, seeking a deep emotional connection through acts of service and devotion. In contrast, Pluto in Capricorn represents profound transformation and empowerment in the material world.

This trine encourages us to dive deep into our relationships, strengthening our bonds through a greater understanding of each other’s needs and desires. It also provides the potential for significant personal growth and empowerment within our partnerships. It’s a time when we can explore our relationships with a keen sense of purpose, nurturing the deeper, transformative aspects of love and reinforcing the foundations of our most meaningful connections. This aspect offers an opportunity for deep emotional healing and a stronger commitment to the values and connections that truly matter.

Venus Enters Libra - November 8

Venus in Libra brings a harmonious and sociable energy to the forefront. This transit encourages a focus on fairness, beauty, and harmony in relationships and aesthetics. You may find yourself more inclined to seek balance and compromise in your interactions, valuing diplomacy and cooperation.

Venus in Libra also tends to enhance a sense of style. You might feel like expressing yourself through fashion and art, as well as seeking out pleasurable and refined experiences. In matters of the heart, this transit promotes a desire for loving and balanced partnerships, making it an excellent time for smoothing over conflicts and appreciating the beauty in both others and the world around us.

Mercury Square Saturn, Enters Sagittarius - November 10

Just as Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 10, it forms a tense square to Saturn in Pisces at 0 degrees. During this transit, the clash between Mercury’s expansive, adventurous thinking and Saturn’s restrictive, disciplined influence creates a tension in communication and mental processes. Mercury in Sagittarius thrives on free-spirited exploration and the pursuit of knowledge, while Saturn in Pisces seeks structure and discipline in the realm of intuition and dreams.

This square can lead to challenges in expressing yourself clearly and may manifest as a sense of frustration in the face of obstacles and limitations. It’s crucial to find a balance between Sagittarius’ thirst for expansion and Pisces’ need for structured introspection, using the tension to stimulate constructive thinking and problem-solving rather than letting it hinder progress. This aspect encourages us to be patient and practical when communicating our ideals and visions, taking measured steps toward achieving our goals while maintaining a sense of optimism and adaptability.

Mars Opposite Uranus - November 11

When Mars in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus on November 11, the cosmos ignites a powerful clash of intense, transformative energies with sudden, disruptive forces. Mars in Scorpio is known for its deep desires, determination, and willingness to explore the profound aspects of life, often bringing intense passions and the desire for control. Uranus in Taurus, on the other hand, is associated with unexpected changes in the material world, which can shake the very foundations of our lives.

This opposition can lead to impulsive actions, unexpected confrontations, and a desire for radical transformation. It’s a time when emotions run high, and conflicts can erupt unexpectedly, challenging us to balance our need for control and transformation with the unpredictability of the external world. To navigate this aspect, it’s essential to channel this intense energy into constructive outlets, remain open to change, and embrace flexibility while avoiding impulsive reactions.

New Moon in Scorpio - November 13

The New Moon in Scorpio on November 13 ushers in a period of profound transformation and renewal. Scorpio is associated with intensity, depth, and regeneration, making this New Moon a potent time for introspection and shedding old, stagnant layers of our lives. It encourages us to dive into the depth of our emotions, confront our fears, and embrace our inner power. It’s a time for setting intentions related to personal growth, emotional healing, and deep, meaningful connections.

The Scorpio New Moon invites us to plant the seeds of transformation, whether in our relationships, career, or personal development, and to do so with unwavering commitment to rising from the ashes of the past, renewed and empowered. It’s a time to embrace the darkness as a precursor to the light and embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth.

Sun Conjunct Mars - November 15

A conjunction between the Sun and Mars (called a cazimi) is an astrological aspect that brings a burst of dynamic energy and assertiveness to the forefront. When these two celestial bodies align, it’s like a meeting of personal identity (Sun) and action and assertion (Mars).

This conjunction infuses us with a heightened sense of ambition and self-confidence, encouraging us to pursue our goals and assert our desires with vigor. It’s a time when our determination and enthusiasm are at their peak, making it an ideal moment to take initiative, make decisions, and tackle challenges head-on. However, this powerful energy should be channeled wisely, as it can also lead to impatience and impulsivity. This aspect can be a driving force for achievements and personal progress if harnessed effectively, making it an auspicious time for boldly pursuing our aspirations and asserting our willpower.

Sun Square Saturn, Sun Enters Scorpio - November 22

Yet again, just as the Sun enters Scorpio today, it will square Saturn in Pisces at 0 degrees. When the Sun in Scorpio forms a square aspect with Saturn in Pisces, a tension arises between Scorpio’s intense desire for transformation and Pisces’ dreamy, sensitive, and often elusive energies.

This aspect may manifest as a feeling of frustration or limitation in our pursuits, and it often prompts us to confront our own inner fears and doubts. While the square can be challenging, it offers the opportunity to build resilience and discipline, helping us navigate through obstacles and emerge wiser, more compassionate, and better equipped to handle life’s demands.

Full Moon in Gemini - November 27

To close out the month, the Full Moon in Gemini is an astrological event that illuminates the skies with the qualities of adaptability, curiosity, and communication. Gemini, the sign ruled by Mercury, is known for its intellectual and versatile nature, and when the Moon reaches its full potential in this sign, it encourages us to be more inquisitive and communicative. This Full Moon on November 27 emphasizes the need to find a balance between our rational minds and our emotional hearts, prompting us to express our thoughts and feelings more openly. It’s a time to gain insight, engage in stimulating conversations, and embrace change by letting go of outdated thought patterns or ways of communicating.

November promises to be a month of profound shifts and transformative energies. Saturn moving direct, Venus entering Libra and the Mars Cazimi all contribute to the cosmic dance we will experience this month, pushing us towards personal growth, deepening relationships, and pursuing our dreams. While the celestial energies may pose challenges, they also offer opportunities for reflection, realignment, and growth. Embrace the wisdom of the stars, and let November be a month of transformation and positive change in your life.


  • Meaghan Dunham

    Meaghan Dunham (she/her) is an Intuitive Business Coach, currently living in Charlotte, NC (Sugaree and Catawba land). With a masters in education, 5+ years as a corporate marketer, and lifetimes of experience studying the ancient modalities of Astrology, Ayurveda and Yoga; Meaghan decided to marry all of her passions together to help visionary female entrepreneurs develop the skills necessary to build successful businesses free from burn-out. Her steadfast dedication to her clients helps to not only transform the success of a business, but also the mindset of the person running that business. In her free time, you can find Meaghan exploring Charlotte (and beyond!) with her partner, Dan, and their sassy rescue pup, Meela.

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