
Navigating July’s Astrological Transits: Full Moon in Capricorn, a Nodal Shift and Venus Retrograde

· July 2023 Energetic Forecast ·

Jun, 30, 2023
luminous moon shining on dark sky

We’ve finally reached the second half of the calendar year and summer is in full swing! This month, we’ll be contending with lots of Leo and Virgo energy. The former the sign of great rulers where confidence and creativity abounds, the second a more quiet and auster sign that is quietly keeping things together in the background.

Two seemingly opposing energies co-existing in the cosmos and providing us with the ultimate lesson: When things feel like they are seemingly moving in two opposite directions, how do we meet in the middle?

*Note: These are not all the transits in July, just the main energies that will be crossing the sky.

July 3 - Full Moon in Capricorn

The Full Moon in Capricorn is asking you, “What have I accomplished?” As the most tenacious and ambitious sign in the zodiac, when the full moon is in Capricorn we are given the extra boost of motivation we need to bring any projects we have been working on to a close.

As full moons are a time of completion, you may want to reflect on what you have and have not accomplished over the last six months (since the New Moon in Capricorn back in January). Does a theme emerge here? What can you learn about yourself as you study the projects that have given you life and the ones that have drained it?

Head into the next six months with a better sense of this and you’ll be sure to find success.

July 10 - Mars Enters Virgo, Mercury Opposes Pluto

With Mars entering Virgo today, our passion projects and aggressive pursuits begin to slow down. The cautious and exacting nature of Virgo can seem to conflict with the quick and aggressive nature of Mars, but bring them together and you might see an extra boost of ambition in a more practical and precise way.

On the same day, Mercury – the planet of communication, comprehension and commerce – makes a tense aspect to Pluto – the generational planet of transformation and shadows. Be mindful of this transit, as there may be a tendency to speak more aggressively or thoughtlessly during this time. At the same time, if you are willing, this can be a powerful day for shadow work, where the mysteries of the subconscious may become more available for you to process.

July 11 - Mercury Enters Leo

Just a few hours after Mercury and Pluto oppose one another in the sky, the Messenger planet moves into Leo. Expect communication to take on a more feisty and blunt nature in this fixed fire sign. We will feel more bold in our expression and courageous in the way we communicate with others during this time.

July 17 - New Moon in Cancer, North Node Enters Aries/South Node Enters Libra

New moons signal a new cycle is beginning. The darkest night of the 28-day cycle is the perfect time to reflect on the last cycle and plant seeds for the new.

In Cancer, you may be focused on tending to matters of home and family. Reflecting on what makes you feel most safe and nurtured is an excellent theme for this New Moon.

On the same day, the Nodal Axis of the Moon shifts. This is an auspicious time when karma begins to shift its focus. Over the next 18~ months, we will collectively ask the question, “How can I balance the needs of me vs. we?”

Anyone born between 4/5/86 and 12/1/87 will be experiencing their nodal return for the next 1.5 years. Buckle up, it’s time to answer the call of your Highest Self! Anything less will be challenged and discarded.

July 22 - Venus Retrograde, Sun Enters Leo

From now until October, Lady Luck is going retrograde in Leo. In the sign of child-like joy, confidence and creativity we’re being asked to reflect on how much value we place on the simple moments of our lives. As a planet with slower energy in general, this will be an especially auspicious time to reflect on your self-confidence, particularly as it relates to how you show up in relationships. Are there parts of yourself that you are hiding? Now is the time to prepare so that, come fall, you’ll exude confidence.

On the same day, the Sun comes barrelling into its home sign of Leo – hello, Main Character Energy! With Venus Retrograde in the same sign, there may be a bit of friction this year, but in general, most of us will get an extra boost of fun, creativity and confidence for the next 30 days.

July 23 - Chiron Retrograde

The Wounded Healer goes retrograde in Aries. Arguably the most sensitive sign when it comes to criticism, especially from others, this transit is asking us to reflect on how we might take things a little too personally – and what we can do to find safety in the moments where we’re feeling “attacked”.

July 28 - Mercury Enters Virgo

In preparation for its 3rd Retrograde of the year, Mercury enters the sign it will occupy until early October. Virgo is the most self-critical of the signs and, as a Mercury-ruled sign, there might be moments where we find ourselves falling back into negative self-talk over the next few months.

If you’re a Virgo Sun, Moon or Rising, this transit is most assuredly an opportunity to get very honest with yourself – what will it take to find the self-compassion you desire?


  • Meaghan Dunham

    Meaghan Dunham (she/her) is an Intuitive Business Coach, currently living in Charlotte, NC (Sugaree and Catawba land). With a masters in education, 5+ years as a corporate marketer, and lifetimes of experience studying the ancient modalities of Astrology, Ayurveda and Yoga; Meaghan decided to marry all of her passions together to help visionary female entrepreneurs develop the skills necessary to build successful businesses free from burn-out. Her steadfast dedication to her clients helps to not only transform the success of a business, but also the mindset of the person running that business. In her free time, you can find Meaghan exploring Charlotte (and beyond!) with her partner, Dan, and their sassy rescue pup, Meela.

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