
Two Full Moons, Venus Cazimi and Mercury Retrograde

· August 2023 Energetic Forecast ·

Jul, 28, 2023
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This month, there’s a lot of focus on the courage it takes to chase our dreams and actualize a life that embodies them. The push and pull of the way we perceive our strengths and weaknesses often keeps us in a type of limbo; often diminishing our strengths and augmenting our perceived weaknesses.

What if we tapped into the heart-centered energy of Leo and embraced the possibility that we are much more capable than we imagine ourselves to be?

August 1 - Full Moon in Aquarius

Full Moons are a time of culmination and release. Many people participate in rituals like placing their crystals outside under the moonlight, placing a glass of water outside and then consuming it the next day in order to heighten the energy of the experience, or participating in an intention-setting ritual.

Whatever you choose to do, it’s important to remember that the energy of each Full Moon shifts, depending on the zodiac sign. Today, the Full Moon is in Aquarius, asking us to focus on how we feel when we are in community. Aquarius is the sign of AI, technology, and innovation. And right now there’s a whole lot of uncertainty surrounding these experiences – and how they fit into the human experience.

Tonight, set your intentions for how you want to integrate and interact with these quickly shifting tools. What will you use them for? How are they of benefit to the community you want to cultivate around you? And how can you release the bits that *don’t* work for you, without feeling like you’re falling behind?

August 7 - Moon in Aries Square Pluto in Capricorn

A tense aspect that brings up the under-belly of our emotions. With the Moon square Pluto, deep, hidden emotions are being exposed. As a transit, this will impact everyone in some way, perhaps leading to some misunderstandings and heightened emotions. This is especially potent because the Moon in Aries can lead to us all having a shorter fuse than normal. The task is to remember that each person is experiencing life through their own lens: AKA don’t take everything so personally.

Today is a great day for Shadow Work … IF you’re willing to confront the things that have been buried deep. If you’re not ready, you might find yourself getting extra frustrated or upset. The ultimate goal is to find self-compassion, regardless of the outcome of your experience.

August 13 - Sun Conjunct Venus in Leo (Venus Cazimi)

Each of the planets has a moment once a year called a “cazimi”; a time when they meet the Sun in the same constellation in the sky. This is an especially magical moment, as the Sun is thought to extend its energy and traits to whichever planet it is meeting at that time, heightening the energy of that planet at that moment.

Because Venus will be retrograde this year during its cazimi, there’s an extra emphasis on this being a time to focus on your heart, as retrogrades are a time to focus inward. The heart chakra energy is represented by the Sun and, in some ways, also Venus.

Today is a fantastic day to focus on YOUR dreams and desires; YOUR confidence and self-expression. What do you want to bring to life? With both of these planets in Leo, the sky’s the limit.

August 16 - New Moon in Leo

New Moon’s are a time of reflection; planting seeds for a new cycle to begin. This New Moon almost feels like a continuation of the Venus cazimi energy we just felt 3 days ago.

There’s a real sense that dreams are coming to the surface to be actualized – if we just have the courage to take the first step.

August 22 - Mars Opposite Neptune

Just as we are given the confidence and desire to start chasing our dreams, the cosmos put up a stop sign. Mars opposite Neptune could cause a roadblock to pop up in pursuit of the things we JUST found the courage to leap into.

Don’t get discouraged. Remember, everything worth pursuing will cause some resistance. When we remain true to ourselves and our desires, and tenaciously pursue that which is for our highest good, the stumbling blocks will almost always feel more manageable.

August 23 - Sun Enters Virgo, Mercury Retrograde

Having the courage to take the first step is just the beginning. As the Sun enters Virgo, we are now given the energy to support us in planning the rest of the journey. Virgo’s practical, exacting nature gives us the tools we need to get started.

Also on this date, the dreaded Mercury Retrograde begins! We’ve been feeling its impacts for a while now, as the retrograde has been in its shadow phase. Retrograde periods, while they do cause some frustration, are truly meant to be a time for reflection and introspection.

In Virgo (and during Virgo season!), there’s going to be more of an emphasis on creating routines and structures that work for YOU, regardless of what other people may be doing. Be gentle, you might have to do a lot of experimenting before you land on something that feels right.

August 28 - Uranus Retrograde

Uranus has been going back and forth in Taurus for a long time, creating instability and unexpected surprises for our society around finances, resources, and our relationship to the material. With Uranus in retrograde, expect the instability to heighten. Not to say that we should all be doomsday prepping – by no means do I want to impress fear upon you – that’s not what Astrology is for, IMO.

Rather, expect the unexpected – particularly from those who aren’t aware of the energy that surrounds them. Your task during this time is to learn to ride the waves of uncertainty, do what you can to keep your feet on solid ground, and tune out the instability and discord that feels like unnecessary noise.

August 30 - Full Moon in Pisces

The second Full Moon of the month gives us the opportunity to come to terms with the dreams that have been swirling in our minds this month.

As the sign of distraction and confusion, Pisces can sometimes cloud our judgment – especially when it comes to how we see ourselves.

With the Full Moon in Pisces, the number one thing to focus on is: How do the perceptions I have of myself and my abilities hinder me from chasing my dreams? Can I cultivate more self-compassion and awareness in order to find the courage to go after the life of my dreams?


  • Meaghan Dunham

    Meaghan Dunham (she/her) is an Intuitive Business Coach, currently living in Charlotte, NC (Sugaree and Catawba land). With a masters in education, 5+ years as a corporate marketer, and lifetimes of experience studying the ancient modalities of Astrology, Ayurveda and Yoga; Meaghan decided to marry all of her passions together to help visionary female entrepreneurs develop the skills necessary to build successful businesses free from burn-out. Her steadfast dedication to her clients helps to not only transform the success of a business, but also the mindset of the person running that business. In her free time, you can find Meaghan exploring Charlotte (and beyond!) with her partner, Dan, and their sassy rescue pup, Meela.

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